金融:2022年FRM二级【J】 百度网盘(106.59G)
【1】前导班(5-11月) [819.14M]
01-frm二级前导-市场风险.mp4 [239.87M]
02-frm二级前导-市场风险.mp4 [129.68M]
03-frm二级前导-市场风险.mp4 [234.04M]
04-frm二级前导-市场风险.mp4 [214.08M]
frm二级前导段框架介绍_crystal_金程教育.zip [1.47M]
【2】基础班(5-11月) [66.12G]
【1】信用风险 [13.19G]
lindsey [2.55G]
01-introduction of credit risk 1.mp4 [272.37M]
02-introduction of credit risk 2.mp4 [204.08M]
03-probability of default 1.mp4 [408.19M]
04-probability of default 2.mp4 [115.07M]
05-credit exposure.mp4 [104.63M]
06-counterparty risk 1.mp4 [173.86M]
07-counterparty risk 2.mp4 [213.61M]
08-mitigation of counterparty risk.mp4 [352.61M]
09-credit derivatives.mp4 [120.18M]
10-securitization 1.mp4 [171.53M]
11-securitization 2.mp4 [375.48M]
12-retail credit risk management.mp4 [92.76M]
frm二级基础段信用风险_lindsey_金程教育.pdf [2.87M]
mikey [10.65G]
1.introduction of credit risk 1.mp4 [476.97M]
10.securitization 1.mp4 [985.14M]
11.securitization 2.mp4 [1.16G]
12.retail credit risk management.mp4 [599.30M]
2.introduction of credit risk 2.mp4 [1.21G]
3.probability of default 1.mp4 [578.48M]
4.probability of default 2.mp4 [1.43G]
5.credit exposure.mp4 [605.91M]
6.counterparty risk 1.mp4 [981.60M]
7.counterparty risk 2.mp4 [790.44M]
8.mitigation of counterparty risk.mp4 [1.44G]
9.credit derivatives.mp4 [515.98M]
frm二级基础段信用mikey金程教育(标准版).pdf [2.85M]
frm二级基础段信用mikey金程教育(打印版).pdf [1.40M]
【2】市场风险 [13.43G]
crystal [3.10G]
01-parametric approaches.mp4 [135.90M]
04-backtesting var.mp4 [199.03M]
05-var mapping.mp4 [192.91M]
06-risk measurement for the trading book.mp4 [197.38M]
07-some correlation basics.mp4 [189.66M]
08-empirical properties of correlation.mp4 [50.11M]
09-financial correlation modeling.mp4 [58.02M]
10-empirical approaches to risk metrics and hedges.mp4 [52.94M]
11-the science of term structure models.mp4 [115.92M]
12-the evolution of short rates and the shape of the term structure.mp4 [21.49M]
13-the art of term structure models drift & volatility and distribution.mp4 [223.67M]
14-volatility smiles.mp4 [118.58M]
2.non-parametric approaches.mp4 [1.15G]
3.extreme value.mp4 [425.29M]
frm二级基础段市场风险crystal(标准版).pdf [6.17M]
frm二级基础段市场风险crystal(打印版).pdf [1.02M]
frm二级市场风险知识框架crystal.pdf [1.62M]
mikey [10.33G]
1.parametric approaches.mp4 [730.94M]
10.empirical approaches to risk metrics and hedges.mp4 [451.43M]
11.the science of term structure models.mp4 [679.89M]
12.the evolution of short rates and the shape of the term structure.mp4 [290.79M]
13.the art of term structure models drift & volatility and distribution.mp4 [765.16M]
14.volatility smiles.mp4 [534.34M]
2.non-parametric approaches.mp4 [1.60G]
3.extreme value.mp4 [554.85M]
4.backtesting var.mp4 [1.15G]
5.var mapping.mp4 [1.07G]
6.risk measurement for the trading book.mp4 [1.06G]
7.some correlation basics.mp4 [754.79M]
8.empirical properties of correlation.mp4 [377.48M]
9.financial correlation modeling.mp4 [440.18M]
frm二级基础段市场风险mikey(标准版).pdf [2.79M]
frm二级基础段市场风险mikey(打印版).pdf [1.25M]
【3】操作风险 [10.61G]
alex [7.61G]
1. revisions to the principles for the sound management of o.mp4 [886.47M]
2.enterprise risk management and raf.mp4 [1.09G]
3. operational risk data and model risk management.mp4 [1.42G]
4. validating models and raroc.mp4 [846.17M]
5. economic capital and other related issues.mp4 [611.93M]
6. capital regulation before the global financial crisis.mp4 [1.28G]
7. basel iii reforms and finalization and other regulations.mp4 [621.92M]
8. cyber-resilient and operational resilience.mp4 [951.37M]
glina [3.00G]
1. revisions to the principles for the sound management of operational risk.mp4 [288.66M]
2. enterprise risk management and raf.mp4 [947.73M]
3. operational risk data and model risk management.mp4 [323.72M]
4. validating models and raroc.mp4 [299.46M]
5. economic capital and other related issues.mp4 [302.92M]
6. capital regulation before the global financial crisis.mp4 [221.68M]
7. basel iii reforms and finalization and other regulations.mp4 [248.23M]
8. cyber-resilient and operational resilience.mp4 [430.13M]
frm二级基础段操作glina金程教育(标准版).pdf [3.72M]
frm二级基础段操作glina金程教育(打印版).pdf [756.42K]
【4】投资管理 [7.68G]
1.factor theory.mp4 [709.50M]
10.hedge fund.mp4 [1.08G]
2.factors.mp4 [484.08M]
3.alpha.mp4 [563.29M]
4.portfolio construction.mp4 [601.84M]
5.portfolio var.mp4 [1.56G]
6.portfolio risk management 1.mp4 [888.65M]
7.portfolio risk management 2.mp4 [976.43M]
8.performance measurement 1.mp4 [429.24M]
9.performance measurement 2.mp4 [515.77M]
frm二级基础段投资cindy金程教育(标准版).pdf [1.29M]
frm二级基础段投资cindy金程教育(打印版).pdf [672.69K]
【5】流动性 [10.02G]
1.liquidity risk.mp4 [1.20G]
10.liquidity risk reporting and stress testing.mp4 [149.57M]
11.contingency funding planning.mp4 [185.18M]
12.managing and pricing deposit services.mp4 [589.65M]
13.managing nondeposit liabilities.mp4 [564.79M]
14.repurchase agreements and financing.mp4 [465.18M]
15.liquidity transfer pricing a guide to better practice.mp4 [390.81M]
16.the us dollar shortage in global banking and the international policy respons.mp4 [145.36M]
17.interest parity lost understanding the cross-currency basis.mp4 [248.85M]
18.risk management for changing interest rates asset-liability management and d.mp4 [708.79M]
19.illiquid assets.mp4 [603.96M]
2.liquidity and leverage.mp4 [1.08G]
3.early warning indicators.mp4 [83.35M]
4.the investment function in financial-services management.mp4 [732.76M]
5.liquidity and reserves management strategies and policies.mp4 [0.99G]
6.intraday liquidity risk management.mp4 [501.41M]
7.monitoring liquidity.mp4 [1.03G]
8.the failure mechanics of dealer banks.mp4 [163.57M]
9.liquidity stress testing.mp4 [306.93M]
frm二级基础段流动性mikey金程教育(标准版)_pdf密码解除.pdf [3.95M]
frm二级基础段流动性mikey金程教育(打印版)_pdf密码解除.pdf [1.72M]
【6】current issues [4.58G]
06-current issues [5.45M]
frm二级基础段金融热点_金程教育(打印版).pdf [838.40K]
frm二级基础段金融热点_金程教育(电子版).pdf [3.72M]
frm二级基础段金融热点话题(二)(标准版).pdf [331.61K]
frm二级基础段金融热点话题(二)(打印版).pdf [248.75K]
frm二级基础段金融热点话题(三)(打印版).pdf [161.69K]
frm二级基础段金融热点话题(三)(电子版).pdf [195.76K]
01-ml and ai for risk management.mp4 [480.06M]
02-ai risk & governance.mp4 [373.59M]
03covid-19 and cyber risk in the financial sector.mp4 [313.41M]
04holistic review of the march market turmoil.mp4 [693.50M]
05beyond libor- a primer on the new benchmark rates.mp4 [516.09M]
06libor transition case studies for navigating conduct risks.mp4 [944.64M]
07climate-related risk drivers and their transmission channels.mp4 [914.82M]
08the rise of digital money.mp4 [447.22M]
科目串讲 [6.62G]
frm二级操作知识框架mikey金程教育(标准版).pdf [546.32K]
frm二级操作知识框架mikey金程教育(打印版).pdf [219.16K]
frm二级基础段科目串讲风险管理和投资管理-cindy.mp4 [1.75G]
frm二级流动性知识框架alex(打印版).pdf [555.41K]
frm二级名师带学-流动性风险-姚奕-流动性风险.mp4 [1.11G]
frm二级名师带学-投资-吴帆-frm二级基础段科目串讲风险管理和投资管理-cindy.mp4 [1.75G]
frm二级名师带学-周琪-操作风险.mp4 [1.73G]
frm二级市场风险知识框架crystal.pdf [1.31M]
frm二级投资知识框架_cindy(打印版).pdf [270.02K]
frm二级信用知识框架_lindsey(打印版) .pdf [232.47K]
市场风险科目串讲-crystal.mp4 [76.87M]
投资流动性答疑直播.mp4 [55.00M]
信用风险科目串讲-lindsey.mp4 [88.71M]
信用市场操作答疑直播.mp4 [59.15M]
【3】强化班(5-11月) [18.36G]
【1】市场风险测量与管理 [5.24G]
1.estimating market risk measures.mp4 [1.26G]
2.extreme value.mp4 [245.11M]
3.backtesting var.mp4 [721.96M]
4.var mapping.mp4 [755.52M]
5.risk measurement for the trading book.mp4 [314.26M]
6.modeling dependence correlations and copulas.mp4 [598.66M]
7.empirical approaches to risk metrics and hedges.mp4 [124.07M]
8.term structure models of interest rates.mp4 [1.01G]
9.volatility smiles.mp4 [279.20M]
frm二级强化市场crystal金程教育(打印版).pdf [695.37K]
frm二级强化市场crystal金程教育(电子版).pdf [1.21M]
【2】信用风险测量与管理 [4.52G]
1.mp4 [967.67M]
2.违约概率计量模型.mp4 [906.08M]
3.信用风险缓释工具.mp4 [1.36G]
4.信用衍生品、证券化及零售信贷风险分析.mp4 [1.32G]
frm二级强化段信用风险lindsey(标准版).pdf [1.60M]
frm二级强化段信用风险lindsey(打印版).pdf [672.91K]
【3】风险管理与投资管理 [3.72G]
1.因子理论.mp4 [1.05G]
2.组合构建.mp4 [831.66M]
3.风险管理.mp4 [1.00G]
4.对冲基金.mp4 [884.59M]
frm二级强化段投资cindy金程教育(标准版).pdf [1.21M]
frm二级强化段投资cindy金程教育(打印版).pdf [428.36K]
【4】操作风险测量与管理 [3.40G]
01 part 1 operational risk management(1).mp4 [425.40M]
02 part 1 operational risk management(2).mp4 [406.66M]
03 part 2 model risk and data quality.mp4 [565.28M]
04 part 3 economic capital management and other related issues.mp4 [607.65M]
05 part 4 the basel accord(1).mp4 [310.07M]
06 part 4 the basel accord(2).mp4 [492.80M]
07 part 5 cyber-resilient and operational resilience.mp4 [674.29M]
frm二级强化段操作mikey金程教育(标准版).pdf [1.51M]
frm二级强化段操作mikey金程教育(打印版).pdf [478.00K]
【5】流动性风险测量与管理 [604.47M]
1.identify and understand liquidity.mp4 [191.15M]
2.manage liquidity risk.mp4 [179.18M]
3.measure and monitor.mp4 [234.13M]
【6】知识图谱 [917.16M]
frm二级名师带学_知识图谱_投资组合.mp4 [179.50M]
frm二级名师带学知识图谱_操作风险与弹性.mp4 [281.22M]
frm二级名师带学知识图谱_流动性风险管理.mp4 [269.43M]
frm二级名师带学知识图谱_信用风险管理.mp4 [186.61M]
frm二级知识图谱.zip [397.59K]
【4】经典题(5-11月) [3.44G]
01-市场风险测量与管理 [540.18M]
1.市场风险经典题1-14.mp4 [245.85M]
2.市场风险经典题15-32.mp4 [294.33M]
02-流动性和资金风险测量与管理 [658.42M]
1.流动性风险经典24题.mp4 [657.95M]
frm二级经典题流动性和资金风险测量与管理yao.zip [481.43K]
03-信用风险测量与管理 [804.48M]
1.经典题合并1-32.mp4 [804.48M]
04-风险管理和投资管理 [552.43M]
1.投资组合1-5.mp4 [171.11M]
2.投资组合6-10.mp4 [82.28M]
3.投资组合11-15.mp4 [100.22M]
4.投资组合16-20.mp4 [107.40M]
5.投资组合21-24.mp4 [91.43M]
05-操作风险和弹性 [638.55M]
1.操作风险经典题1-8.mp4 [176.99M]
2.操作风险经典题9-19.mp4 [318.01M]
3.操作风险经典题20-24.mp4 [49.30M]
4.操作风险25-32.mp4 [94.26M]
06-案例 [330.57M]
01frm二级经典题-姚奕-current issues.mp4 [330.49M]
frm二级经典题案例金程教育.pdf [77.06K]
frm二级经典题操作风险_mikey_金程教育.pdf [917.17K]
frm二级经典题风险管理和投资管理wu金程教育.pdf [187.37K]
frm二级经典题流动性_alex_金程教育.pdf [431.59K]
frm二级经典题市场风险测量与管理gao金程教育.pdf [266.81K]
frm二级经典题信用风险测量与管理yang金程教育.pdf [203.41K]
【5】百题班(5-11月) [13.12G]
01-市场风险测量与管理 [2.97G]
01百题q1-q11.mp4 [475.82M]
02百题q12-q38.mp4 [1.03G]
03百题q39-q57.mp4 [736.43M]
04百题q58-q86.mp4 [776.96M]
frm二级百题段市场风险crystal金程教育.pdf [1.45M]
02-信用风险测量与管理 [4.09G]
01frm二级信用风险百题 1-26.mp4 [1.01G]
02frm二级信用风险百题 27-53.mp4 [864.68M]
03frm二级信用风险百题 54-78.mp4 [947.91M]
04frm二级信用风险百题 79-116.mp4 [1.31G]
rm二级百题段信用风险lindsey(打印版).pdf [2.18M]
03-风险管理与投资管理 [3.07G]
01百题1-16.mp4 [905.49M]
02百题17-33.mp4 [1.02G]
03百题34-56.mp4 [1.17G]
frm二级百题段投资管理_cindy_金程教育.pdf [1.27M]
05-操作风险测量与管理 [2.30G]
01 操作风险百题 01-10.mp4 [255.70M]
02 操作风险百题 11-20.mp4 [187.39M]
03 操作风险百题 21-30.mp4 [395.00M]
04 操作风险 31-40.mp4 [252.75M]
05 操作风险 41-50.mp4 [249.82M]
06 操作风险 51-60.mp4 [227.38M]
07 操作风险 61-70.mp4 [215.41M]
08 操作风险百题 71-94.mp4 [566.25M]
frm二级百题段操作mikey金程教育.pdf [1.46M]
06-流动性 [706.79M]
【课时1】1.frm二级流动性风险01-21.mp4 [227.47M]
【课时2】2.frm二级流动性风险22-41.mp4 [194.59M]
【课时3】3.frm二级流动性风险42-71.mp4 [283.87M]
frm二级百题段流动性风险测量与管理_mikey_金程教育.pdf [870.25K]
【6】模考班(5-8月) [4.74G]
模考二 [2.36G]
01模考二01-20.mp4 [815.17M]
02模考二21-40.mp4 [580.28M]
03模考二41-60.mp4 [461.21M]
04模考二61-80.mp4 [563.05M]
模考一 [2.38G]
模考一1-20.mp4 [698.39M]
模考一21-40.mp4 [537.60M]
模考一41-60.mp4 [680.39M]
模考一61-80.mp4 [519.37M]
frm二级冲刺段模考二(答案)金程教育.pdf [684.06K]
frm二级冲刺段模考二(题目)金程教育.pdf [924.88K]
frm二级冲刺段模考一(答案)金程教育.pdf [661.75K]
frm二级冲刺段模考一(题目)金程教育.pdf [656.07K]
我爱考试网 » 金融:2022年FRM二级【J】 百度网盘(106.59G)