【完结】猫刀语法 百度网盘(4.76G)

【完结】猫刀语法 百度网盘(4.76G)

【完结】猫刀语法 百度网盘(4.76G)


猫刀grammar.mp4 [4.73G]

unit 01(present tenses).mp4 [1.13G]

unit 02(past tenses).mp4 [115.06M]

unit 03(present perfect and past simple).mp4 [117.66M]

unit 04(past perfect).mp4 [621.30M]

unit 05.mp4 [131.76M]

unit 06(future2).mp4 [98.16M]

unit 07.mp4 [130.14M]

unit 08-09(adverbs & questions).mp4 [213.75M]

unit 10(countable & uncountable nouns,articles).mp4 [91.85M]

unit 11(modals).mp4 [111.83M]

unit 12(modals 2).mp4 [63.81M]

unit 13(modals 3).mp4 [4.39M]

unit 14(pronouns and determiners).mp4 [106.74M]

unit 15(reported speech).mp4 [93.15M]

unit 16(the passive).mp4 [614.64M]

unit 17-18(conditionals).mp4 [240.00M]

unit 19(the to finitive and -ing).mp4 [110.84M]

unit 20(preposition 1).mp4 [88.74M]

unit 21(preposition 2).mp4 [96.45M]

unit 22(relative clause).mp4 [123.37M]

unit 23(linking 1).mp4 [71.28M]

unit 24(linking 2).mp4 [445.59M]

猫刀grammar.ppt [27.49M]

grammar unit 01(present tenses).pdf [1.49M]

grammar unit 02(past tenses).pdf [1.21M]

grammar unit 03(present perfect and past simple).pdf [1.64M]

grammar unit 04(past perfect).pdf [1.19M]

grammar unit 05(future).pdf [1.27M]

grammar unit 06(future 2).pdf [1.04M]

grammar unit 07.pdf [1.33M]

grammar unit 08-09(adverbs & questions).pdf [1.63M]

grammar unit 10(countable & uncountable nouns,articles).pdf [1.24M]

grammar unit 11(modals).pdf [987.11K]

grammar unit 12(modals 2).pdf [948.87K]

grammar unit 13(modals 3).pdf [1.49M]

grammar unit 14(pronouns and determiners).pdf [1.33M]

grammar unit 15(reported speech).pdf [1.28M]

grammar unit 16(the passive).pdf [1.04M]

grammar unit 17-18(conditionals).pdf [1.83M]

grammar unit 19(the to finitive and -ing).pdf [1.25M]

grammar unit 20(preposition 1).pdf [1.19M]

grammar unit 21(preposition 2).pdf [1.01M]

grammar unit 22(relative clause).pdf [1.25M]

grammar unit 23(linking 1).pdf [998.32K]

grammar unit 24(linking 2).pdf [943.38K]



  • 普通用户下载价格 : 9.8学币
  • SVIP会员下载价格 : 0学币
  • 最近更新2024年02月14日
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