金融:2022年FRM一级【J】 百度网盘(320.88G)
【1】前导班(5-11月) [4.83G]
【1】前导班(5-11月)(1) [2.42G]
01-金融英语与框架 [1.34G]
01-考试概述.mp4 [127.86M]
02-框架介绍.mp4 [270.70M]
03-数量分析与金融市场高频词汇.mp4 [337.02M]
04-金融产品与风险管理高频词汇.mp4 [635.37M]
02-数量计算器 [1.07G]
01-金融计算器使用.mp4 [239.80M]
02-年金与概率论.mp4 [271.40M]
03-统计学基础.mp4 [269.20M]
04-分布与线性回归.mp4 [316.55M]
讲义 [5.67M]
1.frm一级前导段金融英语_lindsey_金程教育.zip [1.04M]
2.frm一级前导段数量分析计算器_zac_金程教育.zip [4.63M]
01-金融英语与框架 [1.34G]
01-考试概述.mp4 [127.86M]
02-框架介绍.mp4 [270.70M]
03-数量分析与金融市场高频词汇.mp4 [337.02M]
04-金融产品与风险管理高频词汇.mp4 [635.37M]
02-数量计算器 [1.07G]
01-金融计算器使用.mp4 [239.80M]
02-年金与概率论.mp4 [271.40M]
03-统计学基础.mp4 [269.20M]
04-分布与线性回归.mp4 [316.55M]
讲义 [5.67M]
1.frm一级前导段金融英语_lindsey_金程教育.zip [1.04M]
2.frm一级前导段数量分析计算器_zac_金程教育.zip [4.63M]
【2】基础班(5-11月) [134.75G]
【2】基础班(5-11月)(1) [67.37G]
01-风险管理基础 [11.11G]
galina [2.63G]
01-basic sense of risks and management.mp4 [288.29M]
02-basic risk types.mp4 [124.07M]
03-how do firms manage financial risk.mp4 [235.67M]
04-the governance of risk management.mp4 [297.24M]
05-credit risk transfer mechanisms.mp4 [134.46M]
06-the standard capital asset pricing model.mp4 [410.17M]
07-arbitrage pricing theory.mp4 [202.66M]
08-risk aggregation and reporting.mp4 [65.26M]
09-enterprise risk management.mp4 [176.57M]
10-learning from financial disasters.mp4 [348.21M]
11-anatomy of the great financial crisis of 2007-2009.mp4 [219.99M]
12-garp code of conduct.mp4 [81.36M]
frm一级基础段风险管理_galina_金程教育.zip [1.77M]
frm一级基础段科目串讲风险管理基础-mikey.mp4 [110.84M]
frm一级基础科目串讲风险管理基础直播讲义.zip [889.79K]
mikey [8.48G]
1.basic sense of risks and management.mp4 [978.98M]
10.learning from financial disasters.mp4 [938.01M]
11.anatomy of the great financial crisis of 2007-2009.mp4 [612.87M]
12.garp code of conduct.mp4 [175.74M]
2.basic risk types.mp4 [345.23M]
3.how do firms manage financial risk.mp4 [770.65M]
4.the governance of risk management.mp4 [1.01G]
5.credit risk transfer mechanisms.mp4 [386.51M]
6.the standard capital asset pricing model.mp4 [1.81G]
7.arbitrage pricing theory.mp4 [804.02M]
8.risk aggregation and reporting.mp4 [226.26M]
9.enterprise risk management.mp4 [563.54M]
frm一级基础段风险管理mikey(标准版).pdf [1.14M]
frm一级基础段风险管理mikey(打印版).pdf [638.81K]
02-定量分析 [15.59G]
【alex】 [12.05G]
1.fundamentals of probability.mp4 [1.41G]
10.stationary time series – 1.mp4 [607.34M]
10.stationary time series – 2.mp4 [926.33M]
11.non-stationary time series.mp4 [372.53M]
12.measuring returns, volatility and correlation.mp4 [268.36M]
13.simulation and bootstrapping.mp4 [263.57M]
2.random variables.mp4 [1.79G]
3.common univariate random variables 1.mp4 [380.01M]
3.common univariate random variables 2.mp4 [699.42M]
4. multivariate random variables.mp4 [1.03G]
5.sample moments 1.mp4 [369.13M]
5.sample moments 2.mp4 [610.67M]
6.hypothesis testing.mp4 [1.40G]
7.linear regression.mp4 [778.08M]
8.regression with multiple explanatory variables.mp4 [609.15M]
9.regression diagnostics.mp4 [675.19M]
【crystal】 [3.55G]
01-fundamentals of probability.mp4 [415.38M]
02-random variables.mp4 [379.19M]
03-common univariate random variables 1.mp4 [267.85M]
04-common univariate random variables 2.mp4 [144.12M]
05-multivariate random variables.mp4 [287.11M]
06-sample moments 1.mp4 [216.95M]
07-sample moments 2.mp4 [131.32M]
08-hypothesis testing.mp4 [323.49M]
09-linear regression.mp4 [207.75M]
10-regression with multiple explanatory variables.mp4 [311.01M]
11-regression diagnostics.mp4 [230.82M]
12-stationary time series – 1.mp4 [256.83M]
13-stationary time series – 2.mp4 [154.12M]
14-non-stationary time series.mp4 [164.08M]
15-measuring returns, volatility and correlation.mp4 [87.66M]
16-simulation and bootstrapping.mp4 [47.87M]
frm一级基础段定量分析crystal(标准版).pdf [3.06M]
frm一级基础段定量分析crystal(打印版).pdf [2.62M]
03-金融市场与产品 [19.72G]
【crystal】 [13.06G]
1.interest rates.mp4 [1.01G]
10.exotic options.mp4 [1.23G]
11.mbs.mp4 [662.01M]
12.bank.mp4 [893.24M]
13.insurance.mp4 [489.62M]
14.fund.mp4 [597.18M]
2.treasury market and corporate bond.mp4 [1.30G]
3.introduction of derivatives market.mp4 [1.48G]
4.forward market.mp4 [681.37M]
5.futures market.mp4 [1.33G]
6.interest rate futures.mp4 [448.37M]
7.hedging and fx.mp4 [1.03G]
8.swaps.mp4 [713.24M]
9.options markets.mp4 [1.31G]
frm一级基础段金融市场crystal(标准版).pdf [1.66M]
frm一级基础段金融市场crystal(打印版).pdf [903.85K]
【lindsey】 [6.66G]
01-interest rates.mp4 [255.76M]
02-treasury market and corporate bond.mp4 [319.89M]
03-introduction of derivatives market.mp4 [274.92M]
04-forward market.mp4 [327.37M]
05-futures market.mp4 [195.45M]
06-interest rate futures.mp4 [275.74M]
07-hedging and fx.mp4 [188.53M]
08-swaps.mp4 [306.56M]
09-options markets.mp4 [357.71M]
10.exotic options.mp4 [1.22G]
11.mbs.mp4 [759.57M]
12.bank.mp4 [893.24M]
13.insurance.mp4 [580.44M]
14.fund.mp4 [825.33M]
frm一级基础段金融市场lindsey(标准版).pdf [4.23M]
frm一级基础段金融市场lindsey(打印版).pdf [916.13K]
金融市场思维导图.zip [171.78K]
名师带学_金融市场与产品_lindsey_标准版.pdf [980.99K]
名师带学_金融市场与产品_lindsey_打印版.pdf [661.43K]
04-估值与风险模型 [14.89G]
【cindy wu】 [9.32G]
1.valuation method.mp4 [874.78M]
10.market risk2.mp4 [544.19M]
11.credit risk1.mp4 [842.12M]
12.credit risk2.mp4 [822.06M]
13.operational risk.mp4 [948.40M]
2.bond return.mp4 [796.14M]
3.parallel shifts 1.mp4 [671.27M]
4.parallel shifts 2.mp4 [786.19M]
5.non-parallel shifts.mp4 [590.62M]
6.binomial trees.mp4 [736.96M]
7.bsm.mp4 [546.44M]
8.greeks.mp4 [496.03M]
9.market risk1.mp4 [885.59M]
frm一级基础段估值cindy金程教育(标准版).pdf [1.48M]
frm一级基础段估值cindy金程教育(打印版).pdf [886.20K]
【zac yao】 [5.57G]
1.valuation method.mp4 [228.54M]
10.market risk2.mp4 [750.60M]
11.credit risk1.mp4 [628.09M]
12.credit risk2.mp4 [576.92M]
13.operational risk.mp4 [808.34M]
2.bond return.mp4 [260.05M]
3.parallel shifts 1.mp4 [232.19M]
4.parallel shifts 2.mp4 [257.70M]
5.non-parallel shifts.mp4 [316.43M]
6.binomial trees.mp4 [166.56M]
7.bsm.mp4 [286.91M]
8.greeks.mp4 [257.12M]
9.market risk1.mp4 [927.18M]
frm一级基础段估值_zac_金程教育(标准版).pdf [4.25M]
frm一级基础段估值_zac_金程教育(打印版).pdf [1.13M]
串讲答疑 [6.06G]
视频 [6.06G]
讲义 [5.81M]
frm一级风险管理和数量答疑.pdf [349.21K]
frm一级金融市场与产品和估值答疑 .pdf [1.89M]
名师带学_定量分析_crystal_标准版 .pdf [820.31K]
名师带学_定量分析_crystal_打印版.pdf [305.94K]
名师带学_风险管理基础_mikey.zip [889.79K]
名师带学_金融市场与产品_lindsey_标准版.pdf [980.91K]
名师带学_金融市场与产品_lindsey_打印版.pdf [661.28K]
frm一级基础段答疑(风险管理基础-数量分析).mp4 [76.41M]
frm一级基础段答疑金融市场与产品-估值风险与模型.mp4 [92.89M]
frm一级基础段科目串讲风险管理基础-mikey .mp4 [110.84M]
frm一级基础段科目串讲估值与风险模型-cindy 01.mp4 [1.39G]
frm一级基础段科目串讲估值与风险模型-cindy 02.mp4 [1.36G]
frm一级基础段科目串讲数量分析-crystal.mp4 [85.57M]
frm一级名师带学-金融市场与产品_lindsey 01.mp4 [1.38G]
frm一级名师带学-金融市场与产品_lindsey 02.mp4 [1.57G]
01-风险管理基础 [11.11G]
galina [2.63G]
01-basic sense of risks and management.mp4 [288.29M]
02-basic risk types.mp4 [124.07M]
03-how do firms manage financial risk.mp4 [235.67M]
04-the governance of risk management.mp4 [297.24M]
05-credit risk transfer mechanisms.mp4 [134.46M]
06-the standard capital asset pricing model.mp4 [410.17M]
07-arbitrage pricing theory.mp4 [202.66M]
08-risk aggregation and reporting.mp4 [65.26M]
09-enterprise risk management.mp4 [176.57M]
10-learning from financial disasters.mp4 [348.21M]
11-anatomy of the great financial crisis of 2007-2009.mp4 [219.99M]
12-garp code of conduct.mp4 [81.36M]
frm一级基础段风险管理_galina_金程教育.zip [1.77M]
frm一级基础段科目串讲风险管理基础-mikey.mp4 [110.84M]
frm一级基础科目串讲风险管理基础直播讲义.zip [889.79K]
mikey [8.48G]
1.basic sense of risks and management.mp4 [978.98M]
10.learning from financial disasters.mp4 [938.01M]
11.anatomy of the great financial crisis of 2007-2009.mp4 [612.87M]
12.garp code of conduct.mp4 [175.74M]
2.basic risk types.mp4 [345.23M]
3.how do firms manage financial risk.mp4 [770.65M]
4.the governance of risk management.mp4 [1.01G]
5.credit risk transfer mechanisms.mp4 [386.51M]
6.the standard capital asset pricing model.mp4 [1.81G]
7.arbitrage pricing theory.mp4 [804.02M]
8.risk aggregation and reporting.mp4 [226.26M]
9.enterprise risk management.mp4 [563.54M]
frm一级基础段风险管理mikey(标准版).pdf [1.14M]
frm一级基础段风险管理mikey(打印版).pdf [638.81K]
02-定量分析 [15.59G]
【alex】 [12.05G]
1.fundamentals of probability.mp4 [1.41G]
10.stationary time series – 1.mp4 [607.34M]
10.stationary time series – 2.mp4 [926.33M]
11.non-stationary time series.mp4 [372.53M]
12.measuring returns, volatility and correlation.mp4 [268.36M]
13.simulation and bootstrapping.mp4 [263.57M]
2.random variables.mp4 [1.79G]
3.common univariate random variables 1.mp4 [380.01M]
3.common univariate random variables 2.mp4 [699.42M]
4. multivariate random variables.mp4 [1.03G]
5.sample moments 1.mp4 [369.13M]
5.sample moments 2.mp4 [610.67M]
6.hypothesis testing.mp4 [1.40G]
7.linear regression.mp4 [778.08M]
8.regression with multiple explanatory variables.mp4 [609.15M]
9.regression diagnostics.mp4 [675.19M]
【crystal】 [3.55G]
01-fundamentals of probability.mp4 [415.38M]
02-random variables.mp4 [379.19M]
03-common univariate random variables 1.mp4 [267.85M]
04-common univariate random variables 2.mp4 [144.12M]
05-multivariate random variables.mp4 [287.11M]
06-sample moments 1.mp4 [216.95M]
07-sample moments 2.mp4 [131.32M]
08-hypothesis testing.mp4 [323.49M]
09-linear regression.mp4 [207.75M]
10-regression with multiple explanatory variables.mp4 [311.01M]
11-regression diagnostics.mp4 [230.82M]
12-stationary time series – 1.mp4 [256.83M]
13-stationary time series – 2.mp4 [154.12M]
14-non-stationary time series.mp4 [164.08M]
15-measuring returns, volatility and correlation.mp4 [87.66M]
16-simulation and bootstrapping.mp4 [47.87M]
frm一级基础段定量分析crystal(标准版).pdf [3.06M]
frm一级基础段定量分析crystal(打印版).pdf [2.62M]
03-金融市场与产品 [19.72G]
【crystal】 [13.06G]
1.interest rates.mp4 [1.01G]
10.exotic options.mp4 [1.23G]
11.mbs.mp4 [662.01M]
12.bank.mp4 [893.24M]
13.insurance.mp4 [489.62M]
14.fund.mp4 [597.18M]
2.treasury market and corporate bond.mp4 [1.30G]
3.introduction of derivatives market.mp4 [1.48G]
4.forward market.mp4 [681.37M]
5.futures market.mp4 [1.33G]
6.interest rate futures.mp4 [448.37M]
7.hedging and fx.mp4 [1.03G]
8.swaps.mp4 [713.24M]
9.options markets.mp4 [1.31G]
frm一级基础段金融市场crystal(标准版).pdf [1.66M]
frm一级基础段金融市场crystal(打印版).pdf [903.85K]
【lindsey】 [6.66G]
01-interest rates.mp4 [255.76M]
02-treasury market and corporate bond.mp4 [319.89M]
03-introduction of derivatives market.mp4 [274.92M]
04-forward market.mp4 [327.37M]
05-futures market.mp4 [195.45M]
06-interest rate futures.mp4 [275.74M]
07-hedging and fx.mp4 [188.53M]
08-swaps.mp4 [306.56M]
09-options markets.mp4 [357.71M]
10.exotic options.mp4 [1.22G]
11.mbs.mp4 [759.57M]
12.bank.mp4 [893.24M]
13.insurance.mp4 [580.44M]
14.fund.mp4 [825.33M]
frm一级基础段金融市场lindsey(标准版).pdf [4.23M]
frm一级基础段金融市场lindsey(打印版).pdf [916.13K]
金融市场思维导图.zip [171.78K]
名师带学_金融市场与产品_lindsey_标准版.pdf [980.99K]
名师带学_金融市场与产品_lindsey_打印版.pdf [661.43K]
04-估值与风险模型 [14.89G]
【cindy wu】 [9.32G]
1.valuation method.mp4 [874.78M]
10.market risk2.mp4 [544.19M]
11.credit risk1.mp4 [842.12M]
12.credit risk2.mp4 [822.06M]
13.operational risk.mp4 [948.40M]
2.bond return.mp4 [796.14M]
3.parallel shifts 1.mp4 [671.27M]
4.parallel shifts 2.mp4 [786.19M]
5.non-parallel shifts.mp4 [590.62M]
6.binomial trees.mp4 [736.96M]
7.bsm.mp4 [546.44M]
8.greeks.mp4 [496.03M]
9.market risk1.mp4 [885.59M]
frm一级基础段估值cindy金程教育(标准版).pdf [1.48M]
frm一级基础段估值cindy金程教育(打印版).pdf [886.20K]
【zac yao】 [5.57G]
1.valuation method.mp4 [228.54M]
10.market risk2.mp4 [750.60M]
11.credit risk1.mp4 [628.09M]
12.credit risk2.mp4 [576.92M]
13.operational risk.mp4 [808.34M]
2.bond return.mp4 [260.05M]
3.parallel shifts 1.mp4 [232.19M]
4.parallel shifts 2.mp4 [257.70M]
5.non-parallel shifts.mp4 [316.43M]
6.binomial trees.mp4 [166.56M]
7.bsm.mp4 [286.91M]
8.greeks.mp4 [257.12M]
9.market risk1.mp4 [927.18M]
frm一级基础段估值_zac_金程教育(标准版).pdf [4.25M]
frm一级基础段估值_zac_金程教育(打印版).pdf [1.13M]
串讲答疑 [6.06G]
视频 [6.06G]
讲义 [5.81M]
frm一级风险管理和数量答疑.pdf [349.21K]
frm一级金融市场与产品和估值答疑 .pdf [1.89M]
名师带学_定量分析_crystal_标准版 .pdf [820.31K]
名师带学_定量分析_crystal_打印版.pdf [305.94K]
名师带学_风险管理基础_mikey.zip [889.79K]
名师带学_金融市场与产品_lindsey_标准版.pdf [980.91K]
名师带学_金融市场与产品_lindsey_打印版.pdf [661.28K]
frm一级基础段答疑(风险管理基础-数量分析).mp4 [76.41M]
frm一级基础段答疑金融市场与产品-估值风险与模型.mp4 [92.89M]
frm一级基础段科目串讲风险管理基础-mikey .mp4 [110.84M]
frm一级基础段科目串讲估值与风险模型-cindy 01.mp4 [1.39G]
frm一级基础段科目串讲估值与风险模型-cindy 02.mp4 [1.36G]
frm一级基础段科目串讲数量分析-crystal.mp4 [85.57M]
frm一级名师带学-金融市场与产品_lindsey 01.mp4 [1.38G]
frm一级名师带学-金融市场与产品_lindsey 02.mp4 [1.57G]
【3】强化班(5-11月) [38.63G]
【3】强化班(5-11月)(1) [19.31G]
01-风险管理 [3.49G]
1.basic risk types.mp4 [311.80M]
10.anatomy of the great financial crisis of 2007-2009.mp4 [306.12M]
11.regulations.mp4 [292.32M]
2.the importance of risk management.mp4 [171.90M]
3.the governance of risk management.mp4 [569.52M]
4.the process of risk management.mp4 [137.11M]
5.main measurement tools.mp4 [247.42M]
6.main management tools.mp4 [184.35M]
7.enterprise risk management.mp4 [111.28M]
8.portfolio management theory.mp4 [481.75M]
9.learning from financial disasters.mp4 [753.95M]
frm一级强化段风险管理alex金程教育(标准版).pdf [839.69K]
frm一级强化段风险管理alex金程教育(打印版).pdf [414.23K]
02-定量分析 [6.14G]
1.概率与随机变量.mp4 [1.20G]
2.统计学基础.mp4 [695.45M]
3.分布.mp4 [0.99G]
4.假设检验.mp4 [925.59M]
5.线性回归与时间序列.mp4 [983.73M]
6.时间序列与相关系数.mp4 [1.16G]
7.模拟.mp4 [248.58M]
frm一级强化段定量分析crystal(标准版).pdf [2.43M]
frm一级强化段定量分析crystal(打印版)_removed.pdf [1.20M]
03-金融市场与产品 [4.96G]
1.interest rate.mp4 [1.03G]
2.futures.mp4 [881.37M]
3.hedging and swap.mp4 [1.19G]
4.option.mp4 [757.62M]
5.financial institutions.mp4 [1.15G]
frm一级强化段金融市场lindsey(标准版).pdf [2.57M]
frm一级强化段金融市场lindsey(打印版).pdf [512.02K]
04-估值与风险模型 [4.37G]
1.bond valuation.mp4 [783.55M]
2.bond market risk.mp4 [782.14M]
3.option valuation.mp4 [567.95M]
4.greeks.mp4 [454.41M]
5.market risk.mp4 [718.41M]
6.credit risk.mp4 [760.35M]
7.op-risk and stress testing.mp4 [408.37M]
frm一级强化段估值cindy金程教育(标准版).pdf [1.86M]
frm一级强化段估值cindy金程教育(打印版).pdf [666.91K]
知识图谱 [361.06M]
frm一级名师带学强化段_知识图谱_估值.mp4 [360.73M]
frm一级知识图谱.zip [334.21K]
01-风险管理 [3.49G]
1.basic risk types.mp4 [311.80M]
10.anatomy of the great financial crisis of 2007-2009.mp4 [306.12M]
11.regulations.mp4 [292.32M]
2.the importance of risk management.mp4 [171.90M]
3.the governance of risk management.mp4 [569.52M]
4.the process of risk management.mp4 [137.11M]
5.main measurement tools.mp4 [247.42M]
6.main management tools.mp4 [184.35M]
7.enterprise risk management.mp4 [111.28M]
8.portfolio management theory.mp4 [481.75M]
9.learning from financial disasters.mp4 [753.95M]
frm一级强化段风险管理alex金程教育(标准版).pdf [839.69K]
frm一级强化段风险管理alex金程教育(打印版).pdf [414.23K]
02-定量分析 [6.14G]
1.概率与随机变量.mp4 [1.20G]
2.统计学基础.mp4 [695.45M]
3.分布.mp4 [0.99G]
4.假设检验.mp4 [925.59M]
5.线性回归与时间序列.mp4 [983.73M]
6.时间序列与相关系数.mp4 [1.16G]
7.模拟.mp4 [248.58M]
frm一级强化段定量分析crystal(标准版).pdf [2.43M]
frm一级强化段定量分析crystal(打印版)_removed.pdf [1.20M]
03-金融市场与产品 [4.96G]
1.interest rate.mp4 [1.03G]
2.futures.mp4 [881.37M]
3.hedging and swap.mp4 [1.19G]
4.option.mp4 [757.62M]
5.financial institutions.mp4 [1.15G]
frm一级强化段金融市场lindsey(标准版).pdf [2.57M]
frm一级强化段金融市场lindsey(打印版).pdf [512.02K]
04-估值与风险模型 [4.37G]
1.bond valuation.mp4 [783.55M]
2.bond market risk.mp4 [782.14M]
3.option valuation.mp4 [567.95M]
4.greeks.mp4 [454.41M]
5.market risk.mp4 [718.41M]
6.credit risk.mp4 [760.35M]
7.op-risk and stress testing.mp4 [408.37M]
frm一级强化段估值cindy金程教育(标准版).pdf [1.86M]
frm一级强化段估值cindy金程教育(打印版).pdf [666.91K]
知识图谱 [361.06M]
frm一级名师带学强化段_知识图谱_估值.mp4 [360.73M]
frm一级知识图谱.zip [334.21K]
【4】百题班(5-11月) [20.56G]
【4】百题班(5-11月)(1) [10.28G]
01-风险管理基础 [3.12G]
01q1-q22.mp4 [1.03G]
02q23-q44.mp4 [804.56M]
03q45-q65.mp4 [589.10M]
04q66-q84.mp4 [744.70M]
frm一级百题段风险管理alex金程教育.pdf [836.68K]
02-定量分析 [2.74G]
01百题1-8.mp4 [297.16M]
02百题 9-34.mp4 [975.55M]
03百题 35-64.mp4 [978.36M]
04百题 64-78.mp4 [547.76M]
frm一级百题段定量分析_crystal_金程教育.pdf [3.29M]
03-金融市场与产品 [3.70G]
1.百题01-30.mp4 [0.99G]
2.百题31-55.mp4 [892.42M]
3.百题56-80.mp4 [1.01G]
4.百题81-105.mp4 [849.43M]
frm一级百题段金融市场lindsey金程教育.pdf [3.40M]
04-估值与风险模型 [740.98M]
【课时1】1.百题01-21.mp4 [182.93M]
【课时2】2.百题22-47.mp4 [206.87M]
【课时3】3.百题48-73.mp4 [201.37M]
【课时4】4.百题74-94.mp4 [147.95M]
frm一级百题段估值_cindy_金程教育.pdf [1.86M]
01-风险管理基础 [3.12G]
01q1-q22.mp4 [1.03G]
02q23-q44.mp4 [804.56M]
03q45-q65.mp4 [589.10M]
04q66-q84.mp4 [744.70M]
frm一级百题段风险管理alex金程教育.pdf [836.68K]
02-定量分析 [2.74G]
01百题1-8.mp4 [297.16M]
02百题 9-34.mp4 [975.55M]
03百题 35-64.mp4 [978.36M]
04百题 64-78.mp4 [547.76M]
frm一级百题段定量分析_crystal_金程教育.pdf [3.29M]
03-金融市场与产品 [3.70G]
1.百题01-30.mp4 [0.99G]
2.百题31-55.mp4 [892.42M]
3.百题56-80.mp4 [1.01G]
4.百题81-105.mp4 [849.43M]
frm一级百题段金融市场lindsey金程教育.pdf [3.40M]
04-估值与风险模型 [740.98M]
【课时1】1.百题01-21.mp4 [182.93M]
【课时2】2.百题22-47.mp4 [206.87M]
【课时3】3.百题48-73.mp4 [201.37M]
【课时4】4.百题74-94.mp4 [147.95M]
frm一级百题段估值_cindy_金程教育.pdf [1.86M]
【5】经典题(5-11月) [5.75G]
【5】经典题(5-11月)(1) [2.87G]
01-风险管理基础 [868.85M]
1.风险管理基础1-20.mp4 [473.85M]
2.风险管理基础21-40.mp4 [394.57M]
frm一级经典题风险管理基础yao金程教育.pdf [440.00K]
02-定量分析 [931.70M]
1.定量分析1-17题.mp4 [471.79M]
2.定量分析18-40题.mp4 [459.56M]
frm一级经典题定量分析gao金程教育.pdf [350.67K]
03-估值与风险模型 [635.03M]
1.估值1-10.mp4 [161.90M]
2.估值11-20.mp4 [93.26M]
3.估值21-30.mp4 [73.94M]
4.估值31-40.mp4 [120.23M]
5.估值41-50.mp4 [81.56M]
6.估值51-60.mp4 [103.79M]
frm一级经典题估值与风险模型wu金程教育.pdf [366.07K]
04-金融市场与产品 [508.22M]
1.金融市场与产品1-10.mp4 [90.88M]
2.金融市场与产品11-20.mp4 [69.79M]
3.金融市场与产品21-30.mp4 [91.14M]
4.金融市场与产品31-40.mp4 [91.44M]
5.金融市场与产品41-50.mp4 [103.16M]
6.金融市场与产品51-60.mp4 [61.42M]
frm一级经典题金融市场与产品yang金程教育.pdf [398.61K]
01-风险管理基础 [868.85M]
1.风险管理基础1-20.mp4 [473.85M]
2.风险管理基础21-40.mp4 [394.57M]
frm一级经典题风险管理基础yao金程教育.pdf [440.00K]
02-定量分析 [931.70M]
1.定量分析1-17题.mp4 [471.79M]
2.定量分析18-40题.mp4 [459.56M]
frm一级经典题定量分析gao金程教育.pdf [350.67K]
03-估值与风险模型 [635.03M]
1.估值1-10.mp4 [161.90M]
2.估值11-20.mp4 [93.26M]
3.估值21-30.mp4 [73.94M]
4.估值31-40.mp4 [120.23M]
5.估值41-50.mp4 [81.56M]
6.估值51-60.mp4 [103.79M]
frm一级经典题估值与风险模型wu金程教育.pdf [366.07K]
04-金融市场与产品 [508.22M]
1.金融市场与产品1-10.mp4 [90.88M]
2.金融市场与产品11-20.mp4 [69.79M]
3.金融市场与产品21-30.mp4 [91.14M]
4.金融市场与产品31-40.mp4 [91.44M]
5.金融市场与产品41-50.mp4 [103.16M]
6.金融市场与产品51-60.mp4 [61.42M]
frm一级经典题金融市场与产品yang金程教育.pdf [398.61K]
【6】模考班(5-8月) [8.88G]
【6】模考班(5-8月)(1) [4.44G]
模考二 [2.88G]
01模考二1-20.mp4 [681.78M]
02模考二21-40.mp4 [695.31M]
03模考二41-60.mp4 [505.25M]
04模考二61-80.mp4 [603.89M]
05模考二81-100.mp4 [459.20M]
frm一级冲刺段模考二(答案)金程教育.pdf [683.32K]
frm一级冲刺段模考二(题目)金程教育.pdf [853.43K]
模考一 [1.56G]
01-模考一01-20.mp4 [275.17M]
02-模考一21-40.mp4 [306.87M]
03-模考一41-60.mp4 [393.00M]
04-模考一61-80.mp4 [270.57M]
05-模考一81-100.mp4 [353.74M]
frm一级冲刺段模考一(答案)cindy金程教育.pdf [703.01K]
frm一级冲刺段模考一(题目)cindy金程教育.pdf [826.85K]
模考二 [2.88G]
01模考二1-20.mp4 [681.78M]
02模考二21-40.mp4 [695.31M]
03模考二41-60.mp4 [505.25M]
04模考二61-80.mp4 [603.89M]
05模考二81-100.mp4 [459.20M]
frm一级冲刺段模考二(答案)金程教育.pdf [683.32K]
frm一级冲刺段模考二(题目)金程教育.pdf [853.43K]
模考一 [1.56G]
01-模考一01-20.mp4 [275.17M]
02-模考一21-40.mp4 [306.87M]
03-模考一41-60.mp4 [393.00M]
04-模考一61-80.mp4 [270.57M]
05-模考一81-100.mp4 [353.74M]
frm一级冲刺段模考一(答案)cindy金程教育.pdf [703.01K]
frm一级冲刺段模考一(题目)cindy金程教育.pdf [826.85K]
2022年frm一级【j】 [107.09G]
【1】前导班(5-11月) [2.42G]
01-金融英语与框架 [1.34G]
01-考试概述.mp4 [127.86M]
02-框架介绍.mp4 [270.70M]
03-数量分析与金融市场高频词汇.mp4 [337.02M]
04-金融产品与风险管理高频词汇.mp4 [635.37M]
02-数量计算器 [1.07G]
01-金融计算器使用.mp4 [239.80M]
02-年金与概率论.mp4 [271.40M]
03-统计学基础.mp4 [269.20M]
04-分布与线性回归.mp4 [316.55M]
讲义 [5.67M]
1.frm一级前导段金融英语_lindsey_金程教育.zip [1.04M]
2.frm一级前导段数量分析计算器_zac_金程教育.zip [4.63M]
【2】基础班(5-11月) [67.37G]
01-风险管理基础 [11.11G]
galina [2.63G]
01-basic sense of risks and management.mp4 [288.29M]
02-basic risk types.mp4 [124.07M]
03-how do firms manage financial risk.mp4 [235.67M]
04-the governance of risk management.mp4 [297.24M]
05-credit risk transfer mechanisms.mp4 [134.46M]
06-the standard capital asset pricing model.mp4 [410.17M]
07-arbitrage pricing theory.mp4 [202.66M]
08-risk aggregation and reporting.mp4 [65.26M]
09-enterprise risk management.mp4 [176.57M]
10-learning from financial disasters.mp4 [348.21M]
11-anatomy of the great financial crisis of 2007-2009.mp4 [219.99M]
12-garp code of conduct.mp4 [81.36M]
frm一级基础段风险管理_galina_金程教育.zip [1.77M]
frm一级基础段科目串讲风险管理基础-mikey.mp4 [110.84M]
frm一级基础科目串讲风险管理基础直播讲义.zip [889.79K]
mikey [8.48G]
1.basic sense of risks and management.mp4 [978.98M]
10.learning from financial disasters.mp4 [938.01M]
11.anatomy of the great financial crisis of 2007-2009.mp4 [612.87M]
12.garp code of conduct.mp4 [175.74M]
2.basic risk types.mp4 [345.23M]
3.how do firms manage financial risk.mp4 [770.65M]
4.the governance of risk management.mp4 [1.01G]
5.credit risk transfer mechanisms.mp4 [386.51M]
6.the standard capital asset pricing model.mp4 [1.81G]
7.arbitrage pricing theory.mp4 [804.02M]
8.risk aggregation and reporting.mp4 [226.26M]
9.enterprise risk management.mp4 [563.54M]
frm一级基础段风险管理mikey(标准版).pdf [1.14M]
frm一级基础段风险管理mikey(打印版).pdf [638.81K]
02-定量分析 [15.59G]
【alex】 [12.05G]
1.fundamentals of probability.mp4 [1.41G]
10.stationary time series – 1.mp4 [607.34M]
10.stationary time series – 2.mp4 [926.33M]
11.non-stationary time series.mp4 [372.53M]
12.measuring returns, volatility and correlation.mp4 [268.36M]
13.simulation and bootstrapping.mp4 [263.57M]
2.random variables.mp4 [1.79G]
3.common univariate random variables 1.mp4 [380.01M]
3.common univariate random variables 2.mp4 [699.42M]
4. multivariate random variables.mp4 [1.03G]
5.sample moments 1.mp4 [369.13M]
5.sample moments 2.mp4 [610.67M]
6.hypothesis testing.mp4 [1.40G]
7.linear regression.mp4 [778.08M]
8.regression with multiple explanatory variables.mp4 [609.15M]
9.regression diagnostics.mp4 [675.19M]
【crystal】 [3.55G]
01-fundamentals of probability.mp4 [415.38M]
02-random variables.mp4 [379.19M]
03-common univariate random variables 1.mp4 [267.85M]
04-common univariate random variables 2.mp4 [144.12M]
05-multivariate random variables.mp4 [287.11M]
06-sample moments 1.mp4 [216.95M]
07-sample moments 2.mp4 [131.32M]
08-hypothesis testing.mp4 [323.49M]
09-linear regression.mp4 [207.75M]
10-regression with multiple explanatory variables.mp4 [311.01M]
11-regression diagnostics.mp4 [230.82M]
12-stationary time series – 1.mp4 [256.83M]
13-stationary time series – 2.mp4 [154.12M]
14-non-stationary time series.mp4 [164.08M]
15-measuring returns, volatility and correlation.mp4 [87.66M]
16-simulation and bootstrapping.mp4 [47.87M]
frm一级基础段定量分析crystal(标准版).pdf [3.06M]
frm一级基础段定量分析crystal(打印版).pdf [2.62M]
03-金融市场与产品 [19.72G]
【crystal】 [13.06G]
1.interest rates.mp4 [1.01G]
10.exotic options.mp4 [1.23G]
11.mbs.mp4 [662.01M]
12.bank.mp4 [893.24M]
13.insurance.mp4 [489.62M]
14.fund.mp4 [597.18M]
2.treasury market and corporate bond.mp4 [1.30G]
3.introduction of derivatives market.mp4 [1.48G]
4.forward market.mp4 [681.37M]
5.futures market.mp4 [1.33G]
6.interest rate futures.mp4 [448.37M]
7.hedging and fx.mp4 [1.03G]
8.swaps.mp4 [713.24M]
9.options markets.mp4 [1.31G]
frm一级基础段金融市场crystal(标准版).pdf [1.66M]
frm一级基础段金融市场crystal(打印版).pdf [903.85K]
【lindsey】 [6.66G]
01-interest rates.mp4 [255.76M]
02-treasury market and corporate bond.mp4 [319.89M]
03-introduction of derivatives market.mp4 [274.92M]
04-forward market.mp4 [327.37M]
05-futures market.mp4 [195.45M]
06-interest rate futures.mp4 [275.74M]
07-hedging and fx.mp4 [188.53M]
08-swaps.mp4 [306.56M]
09-options markets.mp4 [357.71M]
10.exotic options.mp4 [1.22G]
11.mbs.mp4 [759.57M]
12.bank.mp4 [893.24M]
13.insurance.mp4 [580.44M]
14.fund.mp4 [825.33M]
frm一级基础段金融市场lindsey(标准版).pdf [4.23M]
frm一级基础段金融市场lindsey(打印版).pdf [916.13K]
金融市场思维导图.zip [171.78K]
名师带学_金融市场与产品_lindsey_标准版.pdf [980.99K]
名师带学_金融市场与产品_lindsey_打印版.pdf [661.43K]
04-估值与风险模型 [14.89G]
【cindy wu】 [9.32G]
1.valuation method.mp4 [874.78M]
10.market risk2.mp4 [544.19M]
11.credit risk1.mp4 [842.12M]
12.credit risk2.mp4 [822.06M]
13.operational risk.mp4 [948.40M]
2.bond return.mp4 [796.14M]
3.parallel shifts 1.mp4 [671.27M]
4.parallel shifts 2.mp4 [786.19M]
5.non-parallel shifts.mp4 [590.62M]
6.binomial trees.mp4 [736.96M]
7.bsm.mp4 [546.44M]
8.greeks.mp4 [496.03M]
9.market risk1.mp4 [885.59M]
frm一级基础段估值cindy金程教育(标准版).pdf [1.48M]
frm一级基础段估值cindy金程教育(打印版).pdf [886.20K]
【zac yao】 [5.57G]
1.valuation method.mp4 [228.54M]
10.market risk2.mp4 [750.60M]
11.credit risk1.mp4 [628.09M]
12.credit risk2.mp4 [576.92M]
13.operational risk.mp4 [808.34M]
2.bond return.mp4 [260.05M]
3.parallel shifts 1.mp4 [232.19M]
4.parallel shifts 2.mp4 [257.70M]
5.non-parallel shifts.mp4 [316.43M]
6.binomial trees.mp4 [166.56M]
7.bsm.mp4 [286.91M]
8.greeks.mp4 [257.12M]
9.market risk1.mp4 [927.18M]
frm一级基础段估值_zac_金程教育(标准版).pdf [4.25M]
frm一级基础段估值_zac_金程教育(打印版).pdf [1.13M]
串讲答疑 [6.06G]
视频 [6.06G]
讲义 [5.81M]
frm一级风险管理和数量答疑.pdf [349.21K]
frm一级金融市场与产品和估值答疑 .pdf [1.89M]
名师带学_定量分析_crystal_标准版 .pdf [820.31K]
名师带学_定量分析_crystal_打印版.pdf [305.94K]
名师带学_风险管理基础_mikey.zip [889.79K]
名师带学_金融市场与产品_lindsey_标准版.pdf [980.91K]
名师带学_金融市场与产品_lindsey_打印版.pdf [661.28K]
frm一级基础段答疑(风险管理基础-数量分析).mp4 [76.41M]
frm一级基础段答疑金融市场与产品-估值风险与模型.mp4 [92.89M]
frm一级基础段科目串讲风险管理基础-mikey .mp4 [110.84M]
frm一级基础段科目串讲估值与风险模型-cindy 01.mp4 [1.39G]
frm一级基础段科目串讲估值与风险模型-cindy 02.mp4 [1.36G]
frm一级基础段科目串讲数量分析-crystal.mp4 [85.57M]
frm一级名师带学-金融市场与产品_lindsey 01.mp4 [1.38G]
frm一级名师带学-金融市场与产品_lindsey 02.mp4 [1.57G]
【3】强化班(5-11月) [19.31G]
01-风险管理 [3.49G]
1.basic risk types.mp4 [311.80M]
10.anatomy of the great financial crisis of 2007-2009.mp4 [306.12M]
11.regulations.mp4 [292.32M]
2.the importance of risk management.mp4 [171.90M]
3.the governance of risk management.mp4 [569.52M]
4.the process of risk management.mp4 [137.11M]
5.main measurement tools.mp4 [247.42M]
6.main management tools.mp4 [184.35M]
7.enterprise risk management.mp4 [111.28M]
8.portfolio management theory.mp4 [481.75M]
9.learning from financial disasters.mp4 [753.95M]
frm一级强化段风险管理alex金程教育(标准版).pdf [839.69K]
frm一级强化段风险管理alex金程教育(打印版).pdf [414.23K]
02-定量分析 [6.14G]
1.概率与随机变量.mp4 [1.20G]
2.统计学基础.mp4 [695.45M]
3.分布.mp4 [0.99G]
4.假设检验.mp4 [925.59M]
5.线性回归与时间序列.mp4 [983.73M]
6.时间序列与相关系数.mp4 [1.16G]
7.模拟.mp4 [248.58M]
frm一级强化段定量分析crystal(标准版).pdf [2.43M]
frm一级强化段定量分析crystal(打印版)_removed.pdf [1.20M]
03-金融市场与产品 [4.96G]
1.interest rate.mp4 [1.03G]
2.futures.mp4 [881.37M]
3.hedging and swap.mp4 [1.19G]
4.option.mp4 [757.62M]
5.financial institutions.mp4 [1.15G]
frm一级强化段金融市场lindsey(标准版).pdf [2.57M]
frm一级强化段金融市场lindsey(打印版).pdf [512.02K]
04-估值与风险模型 [4.37G]
1.bond valuation.mp4 [783.55M]
2.bond market risk.mp4 [782.14M]
3.option valuation.mp4 [567.95M]
4.greeks.mp4 [454.41M]
5.market risk.mp4 [718.41M]
6.credit risk.mp4 [760.35M]
7.op-risk and stress testing.mp4 [408.37M]
frm一级强化段估值cindy金程教育(标准版).pdf [1.86M]
frm一级强化段估值cindy金程教育(打印版).pdf [666.91K]
知识图谱 [361.06M]
frm一级名师带学强化段_知识图谱_估值.mp4 [360.73M]
frm一级知识图谱.zip [334.21K]
【4】百题班(5-11月) [10.28G]
01-风险管理基础 [3.12G]
01q1-q22.mp4 [1.03G]
02q23-q44.mp4 [804.56M]
03q45-q65.mp4 [589.10M]
04q66-q84.mp4 [744.70M]
frm一级百题段风险管理alex金程教育.pdf [836.68K]
02-定量分析 [2.74G]
01百题1-8.mp4 [297.16M]
02百题 9-34.mp4 [975.55M]
03百题 35-64.mp4 [978.36M]
04百题 64-78.mp4 [547.76M]
frm一级百题段定量分析_crystal_金程教育.pdf [3.29M]
03-金融市场与产品 [3.70G]
1.百题01-30.mp4 [0.99G]
2.百题31-55.mp4 [892.42M]
3.百题56-80.mp4 [1.01G]
4.百题81-105.mp4 [849.43M]
frm一级百题段金融市场lindsey金程教育.pdf [3.40M]
04-估值与风险模型 [740.98M]
【课时1】1.百题01-21.mp4 [182.93M]
【课时2】2.百题22-47.mp4 [206.87M]
【课时3】3.百题48-73.mp4 [201.37M]
【课时4】4.百题74-94.mp4 [147.95M]
frm一级百题段估值_cindy_金程教育.pdf [1.86M]
【5】经典题(5-11月) [2.87G]
01-风险管理基础 [868.85M]
1.风险管理基础1-20.mp4 [473.85M]
2.风险管理基础21-40.mp4 [394.57M]
frm一级经典题风险管理基础yao金程教育.pdf [440.00K]
02-定量分析 [931.70M]
1.定量分析1-17题.mp4 [471.79M]
2.定量分析18-40题.mp4 [459.56M]
frm一级经典题定量分析gao金程教育.pdf [350.67K]
03-估值与风险模型 [635.03M]
1.估值1-10.mp4 [161.90M]
2.估值11-20.mp4 [93.26M]
3.估值21-30.mp4 [73.94M]
4.估值31-40.mp4 [120.23M]
5.估值41-50.mp4 [81.56M]
6.估值51-60.mp4 [103.79M]
frm一级经典题估值与风险模型wu金程教育.pdf [366.07K]
04-金融市场与产品 [508.22M]
1.金融市场与产品1-10.mp4 [90.88M]
2.金融市场与产品11-20.mp4 [69.79M]
3.金融市场与产品21-30.mp4 [91.14M]
4.金融市场与产品31-40.mp4 [91.44M]
5.金融市场与产品41-50.mp4 [103.16M]
6.金融市场与产品51-60.mp4 [61.42M]
frm一级经典题金融市场与产品yang金程教育.pdf [398.61K]
【6】模考班(5-8月) [4.44G]
模考二 [2.88G]
01模考二1-20.mp4 [681.78M]
02模考二21-40.mp4 [695.31M]
03模考二41-60.mp4 [505.25M]
04模考二61-80.mp4 [603.89M]
05模考二81-100.mp4 [459.20M]
frm一级冲刺段模考二(答案)金程教育.pdf [683.32K]
frm一级冲刺段模考二(题目)金程教育.pdf [853.43K]
模考一 [1.56G]
01-模考一01-20.mp4 [275.17M]
02-模考一21-40.mp4 [306.87M]
03-模考一41-60.mp4 [393.00M]
04-模考一61-80.mp4 [270.57M]
05-模考一81-100.mp4 [353.74M]
frm一级冲刺段模考一(答案)cindy金程教育.pdf [703.01K]
frm一级冲刺段模考一(题目)cindy金程教育.pdf [826.85K]
frm一级风险管理基础强化段答疑直播.mp4 [402.97M]
frm一级风险管理基础强化段答疑直播.mp4 [402.97M]
我爱考试网 » 金融:2022年FRM一级【J】 百度网盘(320.88G)