金融:2022年CFA一级【J】 百度网盘(137.86G)

金融:2022年CFA一级【J】 百度网盘(137.86G)

金融:2022年CFA一级【J】 百度网盘(137.86G)


【1】前导班 [3.08G]

【1】框架介绍+金融英语 [849.07M]

01-框架介绍 1.mp4 [206.94M]

02-框架介绍 2.mp4 [210.05M]

03-金融英语 1.mp4 [217.90M]

04-金融英语 2.mp4 [214.17M]

【2】数量+金融计算器 [1.10G]

01-interest rate、ear.mp4 [188.84M]

02-annuity.mp4 [189.83M]

03-数据可视化.mp4 [241.42M]

04-概率论.mp4 [255.18M]

05-抽样估计、假设检验.mp4 [252.70M]

【3】财务前导 [1.14G]

01-会计起源.mp4 [235.68M]

02-四大账户.mp4 [276.91M]

03-资产负债表和利润表.mp4 [367.36M]

04-现金流量表.mp4 [288.59M]

讲义 [3.73M]

1.cfa一级前导_框架介绍&金融英语_sinny.zip [847.38K]

2.cfa一级前导_数量_金程教育_vincent.zip [1.96M]

3.cfa一级前导段财务分析_irene_金程教育.zip [963.67K]

【2】基础班(2-11月) [80.27G]

0.讲义 [65.45M]

1.cfa一级基础段经济学_cherie_金程教育.zip [6.06M]

10.cfa一级基础段财报_bob_金程教育(标准版).pdf [1.74M]

11.cfa一级基础段财报_bob_金程教育(打印版).pdf [789.44K]

12.cfa一级基础_组合_金程教育_mikey.zip [4.14M]

13.2022年cfa一级知识框架图财报-金程-标准版.pdf [893.62K]

14.2022年cfa一级知识框架图财报-金程-打印版.pdf [590.64K]

15.2022年cfa一级知识框架图组合_金程_标准版.pdf [948.63K]

16.2022年cfa一级知识框架图组合_金程_打印版.pdf [685.51K]

17.cfa一级基础段衍生_jcy_金程教育_标准版.pdf [710.99K]

18.cfa一级基础段衍生_jcy_金程教育_打印版.pdf [482.85K]

19.cfa一级基础段衍生_tomhan_金程(标准版).pdf [805.75K]

2.2022年cfa一级知识框架图economics.zip [3.59M]

20.cfa一级基础段衍生_tomhan_金程(打印版).pdf [374.69K]

21.cfa一级基础班_职业伦理_金程教育_标准版.pdf [1.63M]

22.cfa一级基础班_职业伦理_金程教育_打印版.pdf [904.28K]

23.cfa一级基础段权益_tom_金程教育_标准版.pdf [1.35M]

24.cfa一级基础段权益_tom_金程教育_打印版.pdf [755.68K]

25.2022年cfa一级知识框架图道德_金程_标准版.pdf [575.38K]

26.2022年cfa一级知识框架图道德_金程_打印版.pdf [488.16K]

27.cfa一级基础职业伦理chrislan(标准版).pdf [1.61M]

28.cfa一级基础职业伦理chrislan(打印版).pdf [884.00K]

29.cfa一级基础段权益投资_jcy_金程(标准版).pdf [1.33M]

3.cfa一级基础段数量方法_irene_金程教育.zip [3.44M]

30.cfa一级基础段权益投资_jcy_金程(打印版).pdf [730.99K]

31.2022年cfa一级知识框架图衍生_金程_标准版.pdf [369.17K]

32.2022年cfa一级知识框架图衍生_金程_打印版.pdf [420.74K]

33.2022年cfa一级知识框架图权益_金程_标准版.pdf [580.07K]

34.2022年cfa一级知识框架图权益_金程_打印版.pdf [450.12K]

35.cfa一级基础段企业理财_tom_金程教育_标准版.pdf [1.07M]

36.cfa一级基础段企业理财_tom_金程教育_打印版.pdf [625.93K]

37.cfa一级基础段另类_tom_金程教育_标准版.pdf [891.26K]

38.cfa一级基础段另类_tom_金程教育_打印版.pdf [344.45K]

39.cfa一级基础固收_vincent_金程(标准版).pdf [2.44M]

4.cfa一级基础段经济学_vincent_金程教育.zip [3.35M]

40.cfa一级基础固收_vincent_金程(打印版).pdf [1.11M]

41.cfa一级基础段固定收益_amy_金程教育_标准版.pdf [2.49M]

42.cfa一级基础段固定收益_amy_金程教育_打印版.pdf [2.02M]

43.cfa一级知识框架图固定收益_金程_标准版.pdf [679.06K]

44.cfa一级知识框架图固定收益_金程_打印版.pdf [546.28K]

45.cfa一级知识框架图另类_金程_标准版.pdf [509.00K]

46.cfa一级知识框架图另类_金程_打印版.pdf [387.70K]

47.cfa一级知识框架图企业理财_金程_标准版.pdf [916.93K]

48.cfa一级知识框架图企业理财_金程_打印版.pdf [547.37K]

49.cfa一级基础公司金融_irene_金程(标准版).pdf [1.09M]

5.2022年cfa一级知识框架图数量_金程教育.zip [1.70M]

50.cfa一级基础公司金融_irene_金程(打印版).pdf [511.17K]

51.cfa一级基础段另类_chris_金程(标准版).pdf [900.15K]

52.cfa一级基础段另类_chris_金程(打印版).pdf [344.80K]

6.cfa一级基础段财务分析_jcy_金程教育.zip [2.32M]

7.cfa一级基础段数量_mikey_金程(标准版).pdf [2.60M]

8.cfa一级基础段数量_mikey_金程(打印版).pdf [1.20M]

1.ethical and professional standards [3.63G]

chrislan [1.80G]

第10课10.r58-ii(b).mp4 [38.42M]

第11课11.r58-iii(a).mp4 [125.13M]

第12课12.r58-iii(b).mp4 [68.70M]

第13课13.r58-iii(c).mp4 [76.72M]

第14课14.r58-iii(d).mp4 [60.30M]

第15课15.r58-iii(e).mp4 [35.87M]

第16课16.r58-iv(a).mp4 [110.81M]

第17课17.r58-iv(b).mp4 [39.82M]

第18课18.r58-iv(c).mp4 [69.23M]

第19课19.r58-v(a).mp4 [88.01M]

第1课1.explain ethics and professionalism.mp4 [138.76M]

第20课20.r58-v(b).mp4 [57.55M]

第21课21.r58-v(c).mp4 [25.71M]

第22课22.r58-vi(a).mp4 [61.24M]

第23课23.r58-vi(b).mp4 [42.25M]

第24课24.r58-vi(c).mp4 [24.30M]

第25课25.r58-vii(a).mp4 [21.90M]

第26课26.r58-vii(b).mp4 [35.68M]

第27课27.r59(gips)-r60.mp4 [56.93M]

第2课2.ethical vs. legal standards.mp4 [40.05M]

第3课3.proceedings and the hearing panel.mp4 [24.08M]

第4课4.code of ethics.mp4 [34.80M]

第5课5..r58-i(a).mp4 [108.38M]

第6课6.r58-i(b).mp4 [169.23M]

第7课7..r58-i(c).mp4 [108.75M]

第8课8.r58-i(d).mp4 [40.56M]

第9课9.r58-ii(a).mp4 [143.19M]

vincent [1.83G]

【课时1】1.explain ethics and professionalism.mp4 [96.03M]

【课时10】10.r58-ii(b).mp4 [38.24M]

【课时11】11.r58-iii(a).mp4 [102.93M]

【课时12】12.r58-iii(b).mp4 [68.54M]

【课时13】13.r58-iii(c).mp4 [32.77M]

【课时14】14.r58-iii(d).mp4 [118.97M]

【课时15】15.r58-iii(e).mp4 [48.40M]

【课时16】16.r58-iv(a).mp4 [116.71M]

【课时17】17.r58-iv(b).mp4 [35.64M]

【课时18】18.r58-iv(c).mp4 [93.84M]

【课时19】19.r58-v(a).mp4 [111.22M]

【课时2】2.ethical vs. legal standards.mp4 [21.53M]

【课时20】20.r58-v(b).mp4 [83.36M]

【课时21】21.r58-v(c).mp4 [27.13M]

【课时22】22.r58-vi(a).mp4 [60.34M]

【课时23】23.r58-vi(b).mp4 [33.78M]

【课时24】24.r58-vi(c).mp4 [27.84M]

【课时25】25.r58-vii(a).mp4 [23.57M]

【课时26】26.r58-vii(b).mp4 [45.55M]

【课时27】27.r59(gips)-r60.mp4 [59.10M]

【课时3】3.proceedings and the hearing panel.mp4 [29.59M]

【课时4】4.code of ethics.mp4 [15.19M]

【课时5】5..r58-i(a).mp4 [89.05M]

【课时6】6.r58-i(b).mp4 [176.28M]

【课时7】7..r58-i(c).mp4 [110.18M]

【课时8】8.r58-i(d).mp4 [56.52M]

【课时9】9.r58-ii(a).mp4 [150.42M]

10.portfolio management [3.37G]

mikey [3.37G]

01-portfolio perspective.mp4 [47.37M]

02-portfolio management process.mp4 [38.74M]

03-types of investors and pooled investment products.mp4 [210.08M]

04-risk and return.mp4 [203.00M]

05-modern portfolio theory.mp4 [183.98M]

06-cal, cml.mp4 [160.83M]

07-systematic risk and non systematic risk.mp4 [54.31M]

08-capm and sml.mp4 [376.49M]

09-other return generating models.mp4 [51.80M]

10-performance evaluation indicators.mp4 [137.53M]

11-components of ips, risk and return.mp4 [83.26M]

12-investment constraints, asset allocation, esg.mp4 [126.86M]

13-basics of behavioral finance.mp4 [156.43M]

14-cognitive.mp4 [16.97M]

15-emotional.mp4 [75.31M]

16-anomalies.mp4 [64.62M]

17-define risk management.mp4 [177.59M]

18-types of risks, measure and modify risks.mp4 [103.40M]

19-basics of technical analysis.mp4 [316.60M]

20-charts.mp4 [124.17M]

21-trend and patterns.mp4 [98.86M]

22-indicators.mp4 [187.16M]

23-application to portfolio management.mp4 [56.06M]

24-what is fintech.mp4 [55.30M]

25-big data.mp4 [73.56M]

26-artificial intelligence and machine learning.mp4 [70.67M]

27-fintech in investment management.mp4 [94.57M]

28-distributed ledger technology.mp4 [104.01M]

2.economics [13.65G]

cherie shan [11.46G]

01-demand curve and supply curve 01.mp4 [167.60M]

02-demand curve and supply curve 02.mp4 [370.73M]

03-price elasticity of demand.mp4 [492.66M]

04-cross elasticity.mp4 [98.57M]

05-income elasticity.mp4 [114.21M]

06-substitution and income effect.mp4 [200.35M]

07-profit.mp4 [115.86M]

08-product.mp4 [161.48M]

09-revenue.mp4 [324.85M]

10-cost.mp4 [168.03M]

11-profit maximization.mp4 [98.95M]

12-breakeven point and shutdown point.mp4 [247.70M]

13-market structure factors and perfect competit.mp4 [229.26M]

14-monopolistic competition.mp4 [82.31M]

15-oligopoly.mp4 [493.61M]

16-monopoly.mp4 [280.88M]

17-concentration measures.mp4 [149.50M]

18-gdp.mp4 [540.69M]

19-aggregate demand curve.mp4 [512.51M]

20-aggregate supply curve.mp4 [207.03M]

21-effect of combination of ad and as.mp4 [413.54M]

22-economic growth.mp4 [466.71M]

23-business cycle and four phases.mp4 [184.74M]

24-credit cycle.mp4 [99.50M]

25-business cycle fluctuations.mp4 [410.02M]

26-theories of business cycle.mp4 [358.85M]

27-economic indicators.mp4 [285.43M]

28-unemployment.mp4 [125.09M]

29-inflation.mp4 [507.79M]

30-money creation process.mp4 [138.84M]

31-fisher effect.mp4 [251.48M]

32-objectives of central banks.mp4 [60.12M]

33-monetary policy tools.mp4 [253.68M]

34-limitations of monetary policy.mp4 [167.39M]

35-fiscal policy tools.mp4 [202.57M]

36-limitations of fiscal policy.mp4 [105.29M]

37-the size of a national debt relative to gdp.mp4 [73.47M]

38-interaction of monetary and fiscal policy.mp4 [116.52M]

39-comparative advantage and absolute advantage.mp4 [223.50M]

40-trade restriction.mp4 [237.79M]

41-the balance of payment accounts.mp4 [170.58M]

42-international organization and trading blocs.mp4 [127.01M]

43-basic concept and calculation.mp4 [284.34M]

44-interest rate parity.mp4 [235.44M]

45-exchange rate regimes.mp4 [88.04M]

46-impact of exchange rates.mp4 [236.15M]

demand curve and supply curve.mp4 [856.80M]

sinnyshao [2.18G]

【课时1】01.框架介绍.mp4 [39.84M]

【课时10】10. cost.mp4 [29.77M]

【课时11】11. profit maximization.mp4 [13.24M]

【课时12】12. breakeven point and shutdown point.mp4 [30.56M]

【课时13】13. perfect competition.mp4 [42.73M]

【课时14】14. monopolistic competition.mp4 [28.68M]

【课时15】15. oligopoly.mp4 [107.36M]

【课时16】16. monopoly.mp4 [65.84M]

【课时17】17. concentration measures.mp4 [25.03M]

【课时18】18. gdp.mp4 [116.36M]

【课时19】19. ad curve.mp4 [109.48M]

【课时2】02. demand curve and supply curve.mp4 [99.51M]

【课时20】20. as curve.mp4 [62.85M]

【课时21】21. effect of combination of as and ad.mp4 [69.88M]

【课时22】22. economic growth.mp4 [50.79M]

【课时23】23. business cycle.mp4 [32.22M]

【课时24】24. credit cycle.mp4 [28.62M]

【课时25】25. business cycle fluctuations.mp4 [57.78M]

【课时26】26. theories of business cycle.mp4 [31.77M]

【课时27】27. economic indicators.mp4 [66.39M]

【课时28】28.unemployment.mp4 [36.18M]

【课时29】29.inflation.mp4 [108.57M]

【课时3】03. price elasticity.mp4 [79.24M]

【课时30】30. money creation process.mp4 [38.27M]

【课时31】31. fisher effect.mp4 [25.90M]

【课时32】32. objectives of central bank.mp4 [32.36M]

【课时33】33. monetary policy tools.mp4 [45.94M]

【课时34】34. limitations of monetary policy.mp4 [37.93M]

【课时35】35. fiscal policy tools.mp4 [50.90M]

【课时36】36. limitations of fiscal policy.mp4 [30.04M]

【课时37】37. the size of national debt relative to gdp.mp4 [21.78M]

【课时38】38. interaction of monetary and fiscal policy.mp4 [19.39M]

【课时39】39. comparative advantage and absolute advantage.mp4 [55.88M]

【课时4】04. cross elasticity.mp4 [14.64M]

【课时40】40. trade restriction.mp4 [88.90M]

【课时41】41. the balance of payments accounts.mp4 [37.65M]

【课时42】42. international organization and trading blocs.mp4 [34.56M]

【课时43】43. basic concept and calculation.mp4 [71.81M]

【课时44】44. interest rate parity.mp4 [50.37M]

【课时45】45. exchange rate regimes.mp4 [33.47M]

【课时46】46. impact of exchange rates.mp4 [37.33M]

【课时5】05. income elasticity.mp4 [20.89M]

【课时6】06. substitution and income effects.mp4 [43.41M]

【课时7】07. profit.mp4 [29.32M]

【课时8】08. product.mp4 [25.77M]

【课时9】09. revenue.mp4 [51.79M]

cfa一级基础_经济学_金程教育_cherie.zip [6.06M]

3.derivatives [1.54G]

jcy [913.86M]

01 框架介绍.mp4 [13.40M]

02 derivatives instrument.mp4 [100.64M]

03 derivative market.mp4 [69.11M]

04 forward.mp4 [93.05M]

05 futures.mp4 [63.06M]

06 swap.mp4 [23.28M]

07 basic concepts of options.mp4 [41.50M]

08 arbitrage, replication and risk neutrality.mp4 [11.12M]

09 principle of forward pricing and valuation.mp4 [90.31M]

10 pricing & valuation of different forward contracts.mp4 [57.66M]

11 pricing and valuation of futures & swap.mp4 [69.37M]

12 option payoff and profit.mp4 [107.68M]

13 factors affect the value of an options.mp4 [55.59M]

14 put-call parity.mp4 [48.63M]

15 option pricing one-period binomial model.mp4 [69.47M]

tom [661.66M]

【课时1】01 框架介绍.mp4 [4.25M]

【课时10】10 pricing & valuation of different forward contracts.mp4 [29.31M]

【课时11】11 pricing and valuation of futures & swap.mp4 [52.64M]

【课时12】12 option payoff and profit.mp4 [51.77M]

【课时13】13 factors affect the value of an options.mp4 [39.43M]

【课时14】14 put-call parity.mp4 [29.55M]

【课时15】15 option pricing one-period binomial model.mp4 [30.49M]

【课时2】02 derivatives instrument.mp4 [61.07M]

【课时3】03 derivative market.mp4 [54.22M]

【课时4】04 forward.mp4 [93.75M]

【课时5】05 futures.mp4 [55.69M]

【课时6】06 swap.mp4 [28.93M]

【课时7】07 basic concepts of options.mp4 [38.07M]

【课时8】08 arbitrage, replication and risk neutrality.mp4 [38.06M]

【课时9】09 principle of forward pricing and valuation.mp4 [54.45M]

4.financial reporting and analysis [23.27G]

bob [14.41G]

01-the role of financial reporting and financial statement analysis.mp4 [441.00M]

02-financial statement elements.mp4 [99.45M]

03-measurement of financial elements.mp4 [311.44M]

04-the resources used for financial statement analysis.mp4 [251.52M]

05-auditing and financial statement analysis.mp4 [270.83M]

06-accounting equation & accrual accounting.mp4 [500.05M]

07-standard-setting bodies & regulatory authorities.mp4 [78.60M]

08-iasb & fasbconceptual framework & general requirement.mp4 [554.36M]

09-income statement format and components.mp4 [498.15M]

10-accrual accounting & revenue recognition.mp4 [455.70M]

11-basic eps.mp4 [251.47M]

12-diluted eps.mp4 [595.39M]

13-common-size income statement.mp4 [342.62M]

14-bs format and components.mp4 [271.67M]

15-financial instruments.mp4 [130.61M]

16-classification of cash flow.mp4 [218.07M]

17-cfo calculation-indirect method.mp4 [186.06M]

18-cfo calculation-direct method.mp4 [434.34M]

19-cfi calculation.mp4 [239.70M]

20-cff calculation.mp4 [204.63M]

21-free cash flow.mp4 [266.62M]

22-common-size analysis.mp4 [157.18M]

23-financial ratios.mp4 [620.94M]

24-dupont analysis & equity and credit analysis.mp4 [418.66M]

25-distinguish between product costs and period costs.mp4 [121.21M]

26-different inventory valuation methods.mp4 [226.85M]

27-perpetual and periodic inventory systems.mp4 [562.11M]

28-lifo reserve and lifo liquidation & converting from lifo to fifo.mp4 [451.71M]

29-inventory valuation (u.s. gaap vs ifrs).mp4 [355.81M]

30-capitalizing or expensing.mp4 [412.41M]

31-intangible assets.mp4 [268.81M]

32-depreciation methods & amortization methods.mp4 [333.40M]

33-impairment of long-lived assets.mp4 [303.23M]

34-revaluation and derecognition of assets.mp4 [85.66M]

35-investment property.mp4 [159.94M]

36-accounting profit and taxable income & key terminology.mp4 [340.76M]

37-temporary and permanent differences.mp4 [56.31M]

38-dta & dtl.mp4 [380.38M]

39-tax rate changes & effective tax rate.mp4 [289.57M]

40-reversal of temporary difference.mp4 [141.27M]

41-bond introduction & bond issued at par,premium and discount.mp4 [547.41M]

42-issuance costs & fair value reporting option.mp4 [240.40M]

43-derecognition of debt & debt covenant.mp4 [134.68M]

44-classification of leases under u.s. gaap & ifrs.mp4 [152.36M]

45-lease accounting for lessee.mp4 [253.03M]

46-lease accounting for lessor.mp4 [299.17M]

47-framework for pension plans.mp4 [140.95M]

48-financial reporting quality.mp4 [473.96M]

49-financial reporting quality and financial statement analysis.mp4 [222.69M]

jcy [5.74G]

01-the role of financial reporting and financial statement analysis.mp4 [360.01M]

02-financial statement elements.mp4 [555.22M]

03-measurement of financial elements.mp4 [170.98M]

04-the resources used for financial statement analysis.mp4 [93.52M]

05-auditing and financial statement analysis.mp4 [113.85M]

06-accounting equation & accrual accounting.mp4 [100.92M]

07-standard-setting bodies & regulatory authorities.mp4 [55.14M]

08-iasb & fasb-conceptual framework & general requirement.mp4 [144.43M]

09-income statement format and components.mp4 [218.46M]

10-accrual accounting & revenue recognition.mp4 [112.68M]

11-basic eps.mp4 [158.32M]

12-diluted eps.mp4 [237.06M]

13-common-size income statement.mp4 [30.15M]

14-b-s format and components.mp4 [38.13M]

15-financial instruments.mp4 [165.81M]

16-classification of cash flow.mp4 [109.01M]

17-cfo calculation-indirect method.mp4 [130.82M]

18-cfo calculation-direct method.mp4 [126.66M]

19-cfi calculation.mp4 [116.87M]

20-cff calculation.mp4 [56.39M]

21-free cash flow.mp4 [130.47M]

22-common-size analysis.mp4 [23.72M]

23-financial ratios.mp4 [302.53M]

24-dupont analysis & equity and credit analysis.mp4 [201.34M]

25-distinguish between product costs and period costs.mp4 [112.38M]

26-perpetual and periodic inventory systems.mp4 [56.15M]

27-different inventory valuation methods.mp4 [128.68M]

28-lifo reserve and lifo liquidation & converting from lifo to fifo.mp4 [128.34M]

29-inventory valuation (u.s. gaap vs ifrs).mp4 [123.05M]

30-capitalizing or expensing.mp4 [198.46M]

31-intangible assets.mp4 [88.42M]

32-depreciation methods & amortization methods.mp4 [83.19M]

33-impairment of long-lived assets.mp4 [68.44M]

34-revaluation and derecognition of assets.mp4 [5.35M]

35-investment property.mp4 [53.87M]

36-dta & dtl introduction.mp4 [294.33M]

37-tax rate changes & effective tax rate.mp4 [50.36M]

38-reversal of temporary difference.mp4 [25.45M]

39-bond introduction & bond issued at par,premium and discount.mp4 [260.45M]

40-other issues of debt.mp4 [68.71M]

41-classification of leases under u.s. gaap & ifrs.mp4 [58.31M]

42-lease accounting for lessee.mp4 [157.10M]

43-lease accounting for lessor.mp4 [48.51M]

44-framework for pension plans.mp4 [37.78M]

45-financial reporting quality.mp4 [75.46M]

46-financial reporting quality and financial statement analysis.mp4 [6.95M]

tomhan [3.12G]

第10课10.accrual accounting & revenue recognition.mp4 [65.09M]

第11课11.basic eps.mp4 [35.18M]

第12课12.diluted eps.mp4 [94.01M]

第13课13.common-size income statement.mp4 [128.03M]

第14课14.b-s format and components.mp4 [144.82M]

第15课15.financial instruments.mp4 [77.85M]

第16课16.classification of cash flow.mp4 [50.18M]

第17课17.cfo calculation-indirect method.mp4 [67.09M]

第18课18.cfo calculation-direct method.mp4 [53.77M]

第19课19.cfi calculation.mp4 [25.35M]

第1课1.the role of financial reporting and financial statement analysis.mp4 [112.71M]

第20课20.cff calculation.mp4 [50.69M]

第21课21.free cash flow.mp4 [83.26M]

第22课22.common-size analysis.mp4 [21.29M]

第23课23.financial ratios.mp4 [213.46M]

第24课24.dupont analysis & equity and credit analysis.mp4 [116.80M]

第25课25.distinguish between product costs and period costs.mp4 [34.65M]

第26课26.perpetual and periodic inventory systems.mp4 [36.44M]

第27课27.different inventory valuation methods.mp4 [78.51M]

第28课28.lifo reserve and lifo liquidation & converting from lifo to fifo.mp4 [83.52M]

第29课29.inventory valuation (u.s. gaap vs ifrs).mp4 [93.64M]

第2课2.financial statement elements.mp4 [19.16M]

第30课30.capitalizing or expensing.mp4 [67.41M]

第31课31.intangible assets.mp4 [40.27M]

第32课32.depreciation methods & amortization methods.mp4 [76.17M]

第33课33.impairment of long-lived assets.mp4 [52.94M]

第34课34.revaluation and derecognition of assets.mp4 [21.07M]

第35课35.investment property.mp4 [41.22M]

第36课36.accounting profit and taxable income & key terminology.mp4 [100.57M]

第37课37.temporary and permanent differences.mp4 [13.19M]

第38课38.dta & dtl.mp4 [81.57M]

第39课39.tax rate changes & effective tax rate.mp4 [64.12M]

第3课3.measurement of financial elements.mp4 [37.03M]

第40课40.reversal of temporary difference.mp4 [31.33M]

第41课41.bond introduction & bond issued at par,premium and discount.mp4 [149.39M]

第42课42.issuance costs & fair value reporting option.mp4 [22.62M]

第43课43.derecognition of debt & debt covenant.mp4 [60.83M]

第44课44.classification of leases under u.s. gaap & ifrs.mp4 [21.72M]

第45课45.lease accounting for lessee.mp4 [42.37M]

第46课46.lease accounting for lessor.mp4 [16.18M]

第47课47.framework for pension plans.mp4 [19.81M]

第48课48.financial reporting quality.mp4 [51.41M]

第49课49.financial reporting quality and financial statement analysis.mp4 [16.35M]

第4课4.the resources used for financial statement analysis.mp4 [54.50M]

第5课5.auditing and financial statement analysis.mp4 [68.30M]

第6课6.accounting equation & accrual accounting.mp4 [108.35M]

第7课standard-setting bodies & regulatory authorities.mp4 [34.58M]

第8课8.iasb & fasb-conceptual framework & general requirement.mp4 [85.91M]

第9课9.income statement format and components.mp4 [132.45M]

5.fixed income [8.39G]

vincent [1.79G]

第01课 1.basic features of a fixed-income security.mp4 [102.72M]

第02课 2.bond markets &legal information.mp4 [59.20M]

第03课 3.collateral &credit enhancements.mp4 [30.94M]

第04课 4.covenants &tax.mp4 [42.12M]

第05课 5.principal repayment structures.mp4 [37.25M]

第06课 6.coupon payment structures.mp4 [104.46M]

第07课 7. callable bond and putable bond.mp4 [51.49M]

第08课 8.convertible bond.mp4 [85.31M]

第09课 9.classifications of global fixed-income markets.mp4 [21.17M]

第10课 10.primary and secondary market for bonds.mp4 [29.15M]

第11课 11.securities issued by government-related bonds.mp4 [45.93M]

第12课 12.types of debt issued by corporations.mp4 [23.00M]

第13课 13.short-term funding alternatives.mp4 [37.82M]

第14课 14.structured financial instruments.mp4 [46.64M]

第15课 15.bond valuation using ytm.mp4 [36.99M]

第16课 16.relationships between price and time.mp4 [43.37M]

第17课 17.valuation with spot rates.mp4 [32.56M]

第18课 18.flat price, accrued interest, and the full price.mp4 [30.35M]

第19课 19.matrix pricing.mp4 [16.14M]

第20课 20.yield measures.mp4 [53.57M]

第21课 21.yield measures for floating-rate notes.mp4 [30.97M]

第22课 22.yield curve.mp4 [55.19M]

第23课 23.forward rates vs. spot rates.mp4 [17.91M]

第24课 24.yield spread.mp4 [76.87M]

第25课 25.securitization.mp4 [36.63M]

第26课 26.residential mortgage loans.mp4 [50.05M]

第27课 27.prepayment risk.mp4 [15.08M]

第28课 28.prepayment rate.mp4 [59.88M]

第29课 29.different types of cmos.mp4 [37.28M]

第30课 30.non-agency rmbs.mp4 [6.00M]

第31课 31.cmbs.mp4 [24.43M]

第32课 32.non-mortgage asset-backed securities.mp4 [18.24M]

第33课 33.collateralized debt obligations.mp4 [15.49M]

第34课 34.covered bonds.mp4 [39.33M]

第35课 35.sources of return.mp4 [50.94M]

第36课 36.interest rate risk.mp4 [16.60M]

第37课 37.different types of duration.mp4 [98.97M]

第38课 38.effects of bond characteristics on duration.mp4 [39.39M]

第39课 39.portfolio duration.mp4 [22.28M]

第40课 40.convexity.mp4 [25.02M]

第41课 41.yield volatility, credit and liquidity spread.mp4 [6.97M]

第42课 42.empirical duration.mp4 [36.23M]

第43课 43.credit risk.mp4 [18.16M]

第44课 44.seniority rankings.mp4 [41.85M]

第45课 45.the four cs of credit analysis.mp4 [30.71M]

第46课 46.yield and spread.mp4 [8.97M]

第47课 47.credit analysis of different bonds.mp4 [22.21M]

vito chen [6.60G]

01-basic features of a fixed-income security.mp4 [388.25M]

02-bond markets &legal information.mp4 [280.77M]

03-collateral &credit enhancements.mp4 [234.01M]

04-covenants &tax.mp4 [274.85M]

05-principal repayment structures.mp4 [199.11M]

06-coupon payment structures.mp4 [449.92M]

07-callable bond and putable bond.mp4 [218.49M]

08-convertible bond.mp4 [185.67M]

09-classifications of global fixed-income markets.mp4 [152.95M]

10-primary and secondary market for bonds.mp4 [116.72M]

11-securities issued by government-related bonds.mp4 [137.14M]

12-types of debt issued by corporations.mp4 [103.34M]

13-short-term funding alternatives.mp4 [209.86M]

14-structured financial instruments.mp4 [140.45M]

15-bond valuation using ytm.mp4 [141.39M]

16-relationships between price and time.mp4 [331.46M]

17-valuation with spot rates.mp4 [118.08M]

18-flat price, accrued interest, and the full price.mp4 [238.55M]

19-matrix pricing.mp4 [92.93M]

20-yield measures.mp4 [243.17M]

21-yield measures for floating-rate notes.mp4 [136.71M]

22-yield curve.mp4 [39.52M]

23-forward rates vs. spot rates.mp4 [224.69M]

24-yield spread.mp4 [192.87M]

25-securitization.mp4 [170.44M]

26-residential mortgage loans.mp4 [213.30M]

27-prepayment risk.mp4 [80.22M]

28-prepayment rate.mp4 [299.76M]

29-different types of cmos.mp4 [191.59M]

30-non-agency rmbs.mp4 [43.32M]

31-cmbs.mp4 [111.05M]

32-non-mortgage asset-backed securities.mp4 [24.42M]

33-collateralized debt obligations.mp4 [22.67M]

34-covered bonds.mp4 [37.29M]

35-sources of return.mp4 [68.50M]

36-interest rate risk.mp4 [52.20M]

37-different types of duration.mp4 [128.12M]

38-effects of bond characteristics on duration.mp4 [56.45M]

39-portfolio duration.mp4 [32.66M]

40-convexity.mp4 [57.26M]

41-yield volatility, credit and liquidity spread.mp4 [12.23M]

42-empirical duration.mp4 [39.96M]

43-credit risk.mp4 [32.95M]

44-seniority rankings.mp4 [107.60M]

45-the four cs of credit analysis.mp4 [71.41M]

46-yield spread.mp4 [16.28M]

47-credit analysis of different bonds.mp4 [39.68M]

6.equity [12.13G]

jcy [9.90G]

01-the main functions of the financial system&market regulation.mp4 [93.58M]

01-the main functions of the financial system&market regulation-02.mp4 [335.06M]

02-types of financial intermediaries and services.mp4 [406.57M]

03-classification of assets.mp4 [534.64M]

04-classification of markets.mp4 [881.42M]

05-positions taken in an asset.mp4 [721.44M]

06-execution, validity, and clearing instructions.mp4 [939.08M]

07-security market indexes.mp4 [192.18M]

08-price weighting and equal weighting.mp4 [444.96M]

09-market capitalization weighting and fundamental weighting&rebalancing and reconstitution of an index.mp4 [695.29M]

10-other equity index &fixed-income index& alternative investments.mp4 [237.18M]

11-introduction of market efficiency.mp4 [198.01M]

12-contrast weak form,semi-strong form, strong form market efficiency.mp4 [270.73M]

13-market pricing anomalies.mp4 [309.93M]

14-behavioral finance definition and classification.mp4 [461.56M]

15-types and characteristics of equity securities.mp4 [265.44M]

16-investment in non-domestic equity securities.mp4 [230.04M]

17-risk and return characteristics of equity securities.mp4 [130.12M]

18-current industry classification systems.mp4 [400.03M]

19-industry life cycle models.mp4 [245.79M]

20-strategic analysis of an industry.mp4 [298.55M]

21-external influences&company analysis.mp4 [188.74M]

22-equity valuation models.mp4 [225.57M]

23-dcf models.mp4 [633.78M]

24-price multiples.mp4 [370.62M]

25-enterprise value multiples.mp4 [227.97M]

26-asset-based valuation models.mp4 [200.30M]

tomhan [2.23G]

01-框架.mp4 [11.01M]

02-the main functions of the financial system&market regulation.mp4 [141.91M]

03-types of financial intermediaries and services.mp4 [174.06M]

04-classification of assets.mp4 [282.41M]

05-classification of markets.mp4 [161.52M]

06-positions taken in an asset.mp4 [117.34M]

07-execution, validity, and clearing instructions.mp4 [72.89M]

08-security market indexes.mp4 [29.35M]

09-price weighting and equal weighting.mp4 [50.10M]

10-market capitalization weighting and fundamental weighting.mp4 [55.85M]

11-other equity index &fixed-income index& alternative investments.mp4 [57.54M]

12-introduction of market efficiency.mp4 [21.99M]

13-contrast weak form,semi-strong form, strong form market efficiency.mp4 [34.58M]

14-market pricing anomalies.mp4 [72.19M]

15-behavioral finance.mp4 [97.16M]

16-types and characteristics of equity securities.mp4 [92.64M]

17-investment in non-domestic equity securities.mp4 [58.90M]

18-risk and return characteristics of equity securities.mp4 [55.27M]

19-current industry classification systems.mp4 [97.51M]

20-industry life cycle models.mp4 [40.36M]

21-strategic analysis of an industry.mp4 [76.09M]

22-.external influences&company analysis.mp4 [65.89M]

23-equity valuation models.mp4 [83.32M]

24-dcf models.mp4 [151.16M]

25-price multiples.mp4 [63.50M]

26-enterprise value multiples.mp4 [63.05M]

27-asset-based valuation models.mp4 [51.24M]

7.corporate finance [10.64G]

irene [1.29G]

【课时1】1.框架介绍.mp4 [69.89M]

【课时10】10.corporate financing sources.mp4 [137.42M]

【课时11】11.liquidity measures and management.mp4 [57.31M]

【课时12】12.wacc.mp4 [63.09M]

【课时13】13.cost of the debt & preferred stock.mp4 [42.80M]

【课时14】14.cost of equity.mp4 [147.39M]

【课时15】15.capital structure.mp4 [44.22M]

【课时16】16.mm propositions.mp4 [78.15M]

【课时17】17.optimal and target capital structure.mp4 [23.67M]

【课时18】18.factors affecting capital structure-.mp4 [38.08M]

【课时19】19.leverage and risk.mp4 [111.72M]

【课时2】2.basic concepts.mp4 [36.06M]

【课时20】20.breakeven analysis-.mp4 [24.38M]

【课时3】3.shareholder management.mp4 [43.01M]

【课时4】4.board of directors and committees.mp4 [27.49M]

【课时5】5.factors affecting stakeholder relationships.mp4 [16.40M]

【课时6】6.esg considerations.mp4 [21.63M]

【课时7】7.capital allocation process.mp4 [68.25M]

【课时8】8.project evaluation methods and npv profile.mp4 [172.75M]

【课时9】9.real options.mp4 [92.33M]

sinny shao [9.35G]

01-basic concepts-01.mp4 [326.76M]

01-basic concepts-02.mp4 [242.96M]

02-stakeholder management.mp4 [437.94M]

03-board of directors and committees.mp4 [288.74M]

04-factors affecting stakeholder relationships.mp4 [239.91M]

05-esg considerations.mp4 [154.10M]

06-capital allocation process.mp4 [699.83M]

07-project evaluation methods and npv profile.mp4 [1.07G]

08-real options.mp4 [535.34M]

09-corporate financing sources.mp4 [807.54M]

10-liquidity measures and management.mp4 [607.89M]

11-wacc.mp4 [200.34M]

12-cost of the debt & preferred stock.mp4 [348.34M]

13-cost of equity.mp4 [1.33G]

14-capital structure.mp4 [296.88M]

15-mm propositions.mp4 [534.59M]

16-optimal and target capital structure.mp4 [226.09M]

17-factors affecting capital structure.mp4 [378.61M]

18-leverage and risk.mp4 [555.64M]

19-breakeven analysis.mp4 [241.73M]

8.quantitative method [3.16G]

mikey [3.16G]

【课时1】1.interest rates.mp4 [58.43M]

【课时10】10 covariance & correlation.mp4 [67.34M]

【课时11】11 basic concepts, odds foragainst.mp4 [80.91M]

【课时12】12 calculation rules for probabilities.mp4 [47.25M]

【课时13】13 expected value & variance.mp4 [58.25M]

【课时14】14 expected return and variance of portfolios.mp4 [114.04M]

【课时15】15 bayes’ formula.mp4 [114.56M]

【课时16】16 factorial & combination & permutation(labeling.mp4 [79.17M]

【课时17】17 probability distribution.mp4 [55.23M]

【课时18】18 discrete distribution.mp4 [77.14M]

【课时19】19 continuous uniform distribution.mp4 [37.08M]

【课时2】2.ear.mp4 [108.33M]

【课时20】20 normal distribution.mp4 [131.53M]

【课时21】21 safety first ratio.mp4 [53.05M]

【课时22】22 lognormal distribution.mp4 [34.12M]

【课时23】23 several other distributions.mp4 [47.08M]

【课时24】24 monte carlo simulation.mp4 [37.39M]

【课时25】25 sampling methods.mp4 [77.96M]

【课时26】26 central limit theory.mp4 [64.80M]

【课时27】27 properties of estimators.mp4 [48.93M]

【课时28】28 point & confidence interval estimate.mp4 [117.15M]

【课时29】29 resampling.mp4 [112.72M]

【课时3】3.annuity.mp4 [162.31M]

【课时30】30 biases.mp4 [38.24M]

【课时31】31 critical value method.mp4 [218.05M]

【课时32】32 significance test of correlation.mp4 [60.82M]

【课时33】33 tests of independence.mp4 [45.83M]

【课时34】34 p-value.mp4 [31.98M]

【课时35】35 type i error or type ii error.mp4 [59.37M]

【课时36】36 other hypothesis tests.mp4 [103.31M]

【课时37】37 parametric & nonparametric tests.mp4 [18.08M]

【课时38】38 basics of simple linear regression.mp4 [86.74M]

【课时39】39 estimate of regression coefficients.mp4 [55.73M]

【课时4】4.types of data.mp4 [84.02M]

【课时40】40 hypothesis test.mp4 [166.73M]

【课时41】41 estimate of y.mp4 [16.99M]

【课时42】42 forms of simple linear regression.mp4 [20.63M]

【课时5】5.data visualization.mp4 [176.37M]

【课时6】6.measures of central tendency.mp4 [92.48M]

【课时7】7.quantiles.mp4 [42.67M]

【课时8】8.dispersion.mp4 [54.65M]

【课时9】9.skewness & kurtosis.mp4 [80.75M]

9.alternative investments [435.23M]

tom [435.23M]

1.characteristics and investing method.mp4 [61.24M]

2.investment and compensation structure.mp4 [37.82M]

3.hedge funds.mp4 [102.76M]

4.private capital.mp4 [63.32M]

5.natural resources.mp4 [65.87M]

6.real estate.mp4 [50.89M]

7.infrastructure.mp4 [14.65M]

8.issues in performance appraisal.mp4 [15.56M]

9.calculating fees and returns.mp4 [23.13M]

【3】经典题(2-11月) [17.11G]

alternative investments [533.39M]

alternative investments_r50.mp4 [533.39M]

corporate finance [271.07M]

01-reading 27.mp4 [18.12M]

02-reading 28.mp4 [45.46M]

03-reading 29.mp4 [26.65M]

04-reading 30.mp4 [88.85M]

05-reading 31.mp4 [44.84M]

06-reading 32.mp4 [45.80M]

cfa一级经典金融_nicholas_金程(标准).pdf [1.01M]

cfa一级经典金融_nicholas_金程(打印).pdf [345.70K]

derivatives [4.32G]

1.合并章节r45.mp4 [2.38G]

2.合并章节r46.mp4 [1.94G]

economics [1.15G]

reading 10.mp4 [233.60M]

reading 11.mp4 [279.29M]

reading 12.mp4 [113.62M]

reading 13.mp4 [86.43M]

reading 14.mp4 [85.33M]

reading 8.mp4 [297.80M]

reading 9.mp4 [77.69M]

equity [1.71G]

cfa一级原版书课后题-权益.zip [1.83M]

reading 36 market organization and structure.ts [301.31M]

reading 37 security market indexes.ts [286.52M]

reading 38 market efficiency.ts [303.13M]

reading 39 overview of equity securities.ts [155.85M]

reading 40 introduction to industry and company analysis.ts [359.43M]

reading 41 equity valuation concepts and basic tools.ts [344.22M]

ethical and professional standards [1.19G]

cfa一级原版书课后题-职业伦理.zip [0.98M]

reading 1 ethics and trust in the investment profession.ts [144.36M]

reading 2 code of ethics and standards of professional conduct.ts [114.19M]

reading 3 guidance for standards i–vii.ts [770.86M]

reading 4 introduction to the global investment performance standards (gips).ts [43.56M]

reading 5 global investment performance standards (gips).ts [139.75M]

financial reporting and analysis [3.07G]

reading 15.mp4 [128.30M]

reading 16.mp4 [80.16M]

reading 17.mp4 [235.62M]

reading 18.mp4 [244.49M]

reading 19.mp4 [292.33M]

reading 20.mp4 [239.88M]

reading 21.mp4 [622.38M]

reading 22.mp4 [437.57M]

reading 23.mp4 [204.14M]

reading 24.mp4 [310.53M]

reading 25.mp4 [234.26M]

reading 26.mp4 [114.63M]

fixed income [1.70G]

01-fixed income_r39.mp4 [206.68M]

02-fixed income_r40.mp4 [233.49M]

03-fixed income_r41.mp4 [411.51M]

04-fixed income_r42.mp4 [388.83M]

05-fixed income_r43.mp4 [214.60M]

06-fixed income_r44.mp4 [289.63M]

cfa一级经典固收_vincent_金程(打印版).pdf [696.89K]

portfolio management [1.89G]

cfa一级经典组合_vincent_金程(打印版).pdf [602.92K]

r48.mp4 [145.97M]

r49.mp4 [396.16M]

r50.mp4 [350.79M]

r51.mp4 [216.40M]

r52.mp4 [192.76M]

r53.mp4 [200.09M]

r54.mp4 [341.24M]

r55.mp4 [93.02M]

quantitative method [1.28G]

quantitative method_r1.mp4 [203.07M]

quantitative method_r2.mp4 [214.79M]

quantitative method_r3.mp4 [202.64M]

quantitative method_r4.mp4 [174.74M]

quantitative method_r5.mp4 [154.63M]

quantitative method_r6.mp4 [162.40M]

quantitative method_r7.mp4 [202.50M]

讲义 [9.25M]

cfa一级经典段财务_sinny_金程(标准版).pdf [1.88M]

cfa一级经典段财务_sinny_金程(打印版).pdf [927.53K]

cfa一级经典其他_chris_金程教育(标准版).pdf [545.42K]

cfa一级经典其他_chris_金程教育(打印版) .pdf [194.45K]

cfa一级经典数量_irene_金程教育(标准版).pdf [2.43M]

cfa一级经典数量_irene_金程教育(打印版).pdf [1.00M]

cfa一级经典题经济学_sinny_金程(标准版).pdf [1.04M]

cfa一级经典题经济学_sinny_金程(打印版).pdf [457.24K]

cfa一级经典题衍生_evian_金程(标准版).pdf [576.21K]

cfa一级经典题衍生_evian_金程(打印版).pdf [265.82K]

【4】强化班(2-11月) [12.39G]

01-固收 [2.61G]

01-r39 fixed-income securities:defining elements.mp4 [561.12M]

02-r40 fixed-income markets:issuance,trading and funding.mp4 [316.45M]

03-r41 introduction to fixed-income valuation.mp4 [577.76M]

04-r42 introduction to asset-backed securities.mp4 [523.72M]

05-r43 understanding fixed-income risk and return.mp4 [507.20M]

06-r44 fundamentals of credit analysis.mp4 [183.68M]

cfa一级强化_固收_金程教育_cherie.zip [4.52M]

02-财务-two broad approaches of active investment strategies [1.01G]

01-强化复习 introduction.mp4 [273.53M]

02-强化复习 三大报表+财务指标.mp4 [279.02M]

03-强化复习 存货&长期资产.mp4 [263.81M]

04-强化复习 tax&长期负债.mp4 [218.10M]

2.2022年cfa一级强化班_财报_金程教育.zip [1.42M]

03-公司金融-corporate issuers [1.57G]

01-corporate issuers r27-29.mp4 [316.80M]

02-corporate issuers r30-31.mp4 [822.59M]

03-corporate issuers r32.mp4 [468.82M]

cfa一级强化_公司金融_金程教育_irene.zip [1.12M]

04-数量-quantitative methods [1.06G]

01-qm r1-r2.mp4 [279.30M]

02-qm r3-r4.mp4 [272.24M]

03-qm r5-r6.mp4 [298.70M]

04-qm r7.mp4 [231.31M]

cfa一级强化段数量组合_irene_金程教育.zip [3.05M]

05-组合-portfolio management [382.90M]

01-pm 三大理论.mp4 [272.20M]

02-pm r51-r57.mp4 [110.70M]

06-道德 [1.40G]

01-r56、r57、r58-i(b).mp4 [266.15M]

02-i(c)-ii(a).mp4 [251.56M]

03-ii(b)-iii(c).mp4 [253.65M]

04-iii(d)-v(a).mp4 [276.50M]

05-v(b)-vi(a).mp4 [154.98M]

06-vi(b)-gips.mp4 [230.71M]

cfa一级强化段职业伦理_vincent(标准版).pdf [989.98K]

cfa一级强化段职业伦理_vincent(打印版) .pdf [509.65K]

07-经济学 [1.05G]

01-r8 供给与需求.mp4 [311.28M]

02-r9-r10 市场结构、gdp.mp4 [337.79M]

03-r11 经济周期.mp4 [168.39M]

04-r12-r14 货币政策与财政政策、国际.mp4 [254.28M]

cfa一级强化段经济学_bob_金程教育_标准版.pdf [2.10M]

cfa一级强化段经济学_bob_金程教育_打印版.pdf [978.46K]

08-衍生 [456.87M]

r44 derivative markets and instruments.mp4 [335.56M]

r45 basics of derivative pricing and valuation.mp4 [121.31M]

09-权益 [933.51M]

01-r33 market organization and structure.mp4 [316.66M]

02-r34 security market indexes + r35 market effic.mp4 [327.38M]

03-r36 overview of equity +r37 introduction to in.mp4 [156.36M]

04-r38 equity valuation-concepts and basic tools.mp4 [130.23M]

cfa一级强化班_权益 标准版.pdf [2.28M]

cfa一级强化班_权益 打印版.pdf [614.43K]

10-另类 [1.95G]

01 r47:hedge fund.mp4 [818.47M]

02 r47:private capital + natural resources.mp4 [559.09M]

03 r47:real estate + infrastructure + other.mp4 [619.09M]

【5】百题班(2-11月) [18.91G]

01-固收 [1.02G]

01-固定收益 百题q1-q22.mp4 [204.57M]

02-固定收益 百题q23-q43.mp4 [190.16M]

03-固定收益 百题q44-q62.mp4 [237.62M]

04-固定收益 百题q63-q83.mp4 [226.22M]

05-固定收益 百题q84-q102.mp4 [181.67M]

cfa一级百题预测_固定收益_金程教育(打印版).zip [1.35M]

02-财务 [2.28G]

01 百题 q1-q51题.mp4 [1.02G]

02 百题 q52-q108.mp4 [1.26G]

cfa一级百题预测_财务_金程教育(打印版).zip [1.69M]

03-公司金融 [648.13M]

01-公司金融基础百题 q1-q22.mp4 [242.68M]

02-公司金融基础百题 q23-q46.mp4 [237.54M]

03-公司金融基础百题 q47-q66.mp4 [167.91M]

04-数量 [3.07G]

cfa一级百题预测_数量_金程教育.zip [1.59M]

数量百题q1-q22.mp4 [705.35M]

数量百题q23-q50.mp4 [978.43M]

数量百题q51-q73.mp4 [630.63M]

数量百题q74-q104.mp4 [824.40M]

05-道德 [3.16G]

1.道德百题q1-q22.mp4 [931.01M]

2.道德百题q23-q33.mp4 [500.14M]

3.道德百题q34-q53.mp4 [800.39M]

4.道德百题q54-q64.mp4 [399.06M]

5.道德百题q65-q77.mp4 [444.10M]

6.道德百题q78-q84.mp4 [162.08M]

cfa一级百题预测_道德_金程教育(打印版).pdf [1.46M]

06-经济学 [2.43G]

经济学百题 q1-q23.mp4 [944.36M]

经济学百题 q24-q53.mp4 [797.49M]

经济学百题 q54-q75.mp4 [672.91M]

经济学百题 q76-q93.mp4 [73.80M]

07-组合 [1.93G]

1.组合百题 q1-q31.mp4 [1.04G]

2.组合百题 q32-q61.mp4 [914.62M]

08-衍生 [687.09M]

cfa一级百题预测_衍生_金程教育(打印版).pdf [1.76M]

衍生品 百题1-36.mp4 [685.33M]

09-另类 [617.93M]

另类百题 q1-q26.mp4 [288.28M]

另类百题 q27-q42.mp4 [329.66M]

10-权益 [1.37G]

权益百题 q1-q34.mp4 [510.42M]

权益百题 q35-q65.mp4 [515.68M]

权益百题 q66-q83.mp4 [377.23M]

讲义 [5.04M]

10.cfa一级百题进阶-权益.pdf [423.18K]

11.cfa一级百题进阶-职业伦理.pdf [318.48K]

12.cfa一级百题进阶-数量分析.pdf [639.38K]

13.cfa一级百题进阶-经济学.pdf [431.70K]

14.cfa一级百题进阶-财报分析.pdf [624.60K]

15.cfa一级百题进阶-企业理财.pdf [300.68K]

16.cfa一级百题进阶-固收.pdf [563.98K]

17.cfa一级百题进阶-衍生.pdf [323.28K]

18.cfa一级百题进阶-其他.pdf [422.93K]

19.cfa一级百题进阶-组合.pdf [506.64K]

22.2202百题预测讲义errate勘误更新在本期百题.pdf [319.93K]

6.2202百题预测讲义errate勘误更新在本期百题.pdf [286.73K]

进阶题 [1.73G]

【课时1】1.财务报表分析.mp4 [483.75M]

【课时10】10.alternative investment q1-q6.mp4 [65.57M]

【课时11】11.equity q1-q7.mp4 [125.64M]

【课时12】12.derivatives q1-q11.mp4 [136.79M]

【课时2】2.企业理财进阶题.mp4 [86.01M]

【课时3】3.固定收益进阶题(1-3题).mp4 [50.86M]

【课时4】4.固定收益进阶题(4-15题).mp4 [177.34M]

【课时5】5.职业伦理进阶题(1-2题).mp4 [23.18M]

【课时6】6.职业伦理进阶题(3-10).mp4 [98.72M]

【课时7】7.经济学 q1-q8.mp4 [117.22M]

【课时8】8.组合.mp4 [125.94M]

【课时9】9.数量.mp4 [279.28M]

cfa一级百题预测_公司金融_金程教育(打印版).pdf [2.80M]

cfa一级百题预测_经济学_金程教育(打印版).pdf [4.45M]

cfa一级百题预测_组合管理_金程教育(打印版).pdf [2.78M]

【6】模考班(2-5月) [5.86G]

模考二 [4.11G]

01 ethics q1-q25.mp4 [872.62M]

02 qm q26-q42.mp4 [180.74M]

03 economics q43-q62.mp4 [521.01M]

04 fra q63-q89.mp4 [838.86M]

05 corporate issuers q90-107.mp4 [426.52M]

06 equity investment q108-127.mp4 [433.93M]

07 fixed income q128-147.mp4 [382.40M]

08 derivatives q148-158.mp4 [154.34M]

09 alternative investment q159-q169.mp4 [229.48M]

10 portfolio q170-q180.mp4 [167.11M]

模考一 [1.75G]

2202cfa一级模考卷(学员版).zip [2.95M]

alternatives q160-q169.mp4 [71.17M]

corporate issuers q91-q108.mp4 [125.84M]

derivatives q149-159.mp4 [72.46M]

economics q46-q51.mp4 [135.95M]

equity q109-128.mp4 [151.61M]

ethics q1-q27.mp4 [520.89M]

fixed income q129-q148.mp4 [161.83M]

fsa q64-q90.mp4 [275.41M]

portfolio management q170-q180.mp4 [70.65M]

quantitative q28-q45.mp4 [200.50M]

2202cfa一级模考卷(学员版).zip [2.95M]

(合并)cfa一级21天刷题训练营题目_有答案版_纯图版.pdf [24.11M]

2208cfa一级提分策略直播.mp4 [235.17M]



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  • 最近更新2024年01月22日
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